What do you think about sulphate of potash?

the store claims its organic and so does what i read online, yet 0-0-50 scares me a little. do you all have any thoughts have you used it? if so tel me what you think


Active Member
^^^^ Exactly what he said, the key is to make sure the product is Langbeinite, a naturally occuring mineral, rather than the synthetically derived sulfate of potash or sulfate of potash magnesia (although both I believe are "approved for organic gardening") SulPoMag (langbeinite) should be 0-0-22


New Member
Dense Bud compactor. 0-0-62. This stuff is dynamite, use it to top up your ec (during later flowering) from the recommended dose of your nutrient to the maximum ec level (or close to it) recommended for that strain. NUG CITY i promise you.