What Do You Think about Blackberry Seed into Flowering? Post Your Opinion!


Active Member
Those leaves up top look a little heat burnt maybe. Looks good overall though.

You say it's two months old, is that plus the seven days flowering, were these from seed? I'm just wondering about how long you let these veg out.

Good looking plant though :)


Active Member
This is my BB plant
its 2 months old and 7 days into flowering
it has been growing under 450+W cfl
What do you think?
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Post your opinion !

regs, hoi

FIrst of all, chill out man. Not everyone goes on these boards to praise other people's grows. LOL

I think these look okay, but I don't know anything about your nutes so I can't really tell you if the burnt edges I'm seeing are the lights or the nutes.

I've been using this lineup without any troubles:

AN Sensi A and B
Big Bud
Voodoo Juice
Bud Candy

Good luck with your grow