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Here she is just before I chopped, a couple three weeks and I'll weigh it.
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uh huh, sure, 57 posts, laughing at you shortbusThe real blackberry was brought onto the scene back in the CW days about 7-8 years ago...JOJO Rizzo had received
a cut from a fella and shared it ..
It was bred with a bunch of stuff for the colors alone..
It was weak ,,,weak ,weak,,, barely worthy of smoking.
So if anybody that has been on the scene for some time laughs at your Blackberry claims of potency
maybe you'll understand,,,the shit was laughable and you couldn't make it potent.
JoJo has since passed away as did the guy that gave him the cut.
Who knows what people are calling blackberry today? but that isn't it!
I like how people here use your post count to determine how much knowledge you have on a subject. Don't people understand some people have been around a lot longer than they think just at other forums and the only reason they're here is because the other forums were shut down or turned to shit. This place has more newbs than any other message board I've ever seen and most of them don't know anything about the marijuana scene. Carbon was just trying to spread some knowledge. Sure there probably are some breeders that sell a strain called Blackberry that could be potent but the original was weak and thats why he was stating people might laugh at the claims of potency. Seed companies for the most part are just trying to make a buck and don't really care if what they're selling you is what they say it is or have any respect for what others created before them and use names as a marketing ploy. Thats the problem, there is mass confusion in the marijuana world do to it being illegal and horribly documented and unless you've been following these forums since the 90's you probably don't have any idea what's up. I can't wait until herb is legal and can be fully documented so people can gain accurate knowledge from reliable sources. There are so many new people coming on the scene that don't have a clue but like to think they do and when someone comes around offering good info they get insulted. This shit is worthless.uh huh, sure, 57 posts, laughing at you shortbus
I don't know what's in Purple Kush (a VERY popular strain here in BC) but that is my suggestion.. I got pics to show it and I'm looking to bread it to a purple male and add more og kush in it. LMK now if anyone interested in what it looks like and what I could breed to, maybe with some help.
I dont know what nirvana and sativa seed banks deal is but i will tell you with absolute certainty that the nirvana blackberry is the sativa seeds blackberry because my bags of seeds came with stickers on them the only one that had a nirvana sticker on it was the wonder woman my black jack and black berry had sativa seeds stickers on them they are working together or are the same company who knows but nirvana sends out sativa's blackberry, that being said i haven't planted them yet im kinda wary about em you know im hopin to find someone who has first before i pop em in and dedicate a bunch of space for emi have the seeds from Sativa Seed bank but hey are half rasberry cough which i think may be a nirvana strain... anyhow i hope its better than the nirvana that u got.
How is it going OG? A original G13/haze sounds good, do you like it? I have a original chronic/haze and I was thinking about crossing with a G13. How is that blackberry going? Do you have any pics?Hi, everyone, i've been growing for about ten years, i have an original g13/haze, shishkaberry, and the church, i recently was given one seed of blackberry from sativa seeds, it has since sprouted in about 3 days, little quick fucker i hope it turns out to be great, seems there are a lot of mixed feelings about it.
I can say no and I've never even grown it. For starters look at it's genetics, there is no purple strain in it's lineage. They tok a strain alled black domina which is an acrid tasting indica hasplant and borrowed the black in it's name. Pretty shady right there. I don't belive the photo is photoshopped it's a picture of VISC's Blackberry, that's even shadier. There are other Blackberries too but you won't find them in seed form. If you want to try a blackberry from seed try VISC or maybe Riot seeds IDK, I've never used either companies gear but that's what I would do.What do you guys think bout Sativa's Seeds Black Berry?
is it as good as advertised?
yes sativa seedbank is an off skirt of Nirvana.I dont know what nirvana and sativa seed banks deal is but i will tell you with absolute certainty that the nirvana blackberry is the sativa seeds blackberry because my bags of seeds came with stickers on them the only one that had a nirvana sticker on it was the wonder woman my black jack and black berry had sativa seeds stickers on them they are working together or are the same company who knows but nirvana sends out sativa's blackberry, that being said i haven't planted them yet im kinda wary about em you know im hopin to find someone who has first before i pop em in and dedicate a bunch of space for em