what do you roll a "J" with?


Well-Known Member
dont mix tobacco and weed, that's wack..a joint roller rolls joints so solid
smoke ur joint ... then smoke a cig if i have to.... dont mix them :0)
Sorry guys, its the European smoking culture, yanks just don't understand.

You can sure as hell garuntee that the breeders of whatever seeds you're growning will have been smoking their strains with tabacco, (if they're european, which they almost always are) so if anything we smoke it the way it's meant to be smoked.


to each his own.... but i prefer to have my tobbacco after my weed.... to mix them burns the hell out of my throat, and i smoke over a pack a day.... i have smoked mixed joints on several occasions though; one of my good buddies and i used to ride together and he would roll up about 5-10 fat joints w/like a 40/60 (weed/cancer) ratio... i hated it, but we could smoke em cruisin through town and nobody really batted an eye, plus, if you dropped it on the highway it wasnt that big of a loss; just fire up another


Sorry guys, its the European smoking culture, yanks just don't understand.

is that what we are known as in europe, yanks??? i have never been called a yank before... maybe a redneck or coonass, but never a yank... i'll smoke a bowl to thatbongsmilie....


Active Member
lol I thought yanks was a New York thing?... hense the Yankees baseball team?... Washington we're known as rednecks... lol

but yeah go to you local tabacco store and buy some zig zag pappers... longer, thinner.. more durable... makes your smoke last longer.... I usually smoke my tabacco afterward with a good Dr Pepper =)


Well-Known Member
y would anyone prefer to smoke in paper from trees? smoke your herb in hemp papers, they are available everywhere, in every smoke shop and online.

no paper, hemp. zigzags are for tobacco


Well-Known Member
is that what we are known as in europe, yanks??? i have never been called a yank before... maybe a redneck or coonass, but never a yank... i'll smoke a bowl to thatbongsmilie....
Yeah it means 'American', I guess the equivalent for an English person would be 'Limey'.