yes.. i had seen it before, but i watched again.. my mother is in treatment for cancer, but that particular treatment is not going to be available until cannabis is legal and we can grow enough to make the oil.... i cannot afford a pound of pot for any reason at the black market price..
i believe it - i hear all the time from reliable sources that pot stops tumor growth - they don't say how significantly.. maybe because they cant do scientific studies... we should really ban research on more subjects, no? no more space exploration - kids might learn about atheism and condoms... kiss-ass
here are some good hemp facts -
"All domesticated animals, farm animals and poultry could be fed a nearly complete diet with just hemp seed extract protein and fat. Hemp seed cake was one of the world's principal animal feeds until this century. With hemp seed in their diet, birds will live 10-20% longer."
we have been killing our own bird population by keeping wild hemp from growing - it used to be something like 30% of a north american bird's diet...