What do you like to do when your stoned?


Well-Known Member
the only time i watch my shows on dvr is when im stoned, after stargate i tend to my plants then i smoke more and sit on my porch, smoke a cig and relax


Active Member
I love rollin a nice fatty J, then takin my pooch for a walk at this huge park by my house and just burning on the walk...ohhh I like to check out all the flowers people have in there yards

grow space

Well-Known Member
Play xbox, skateboard, mastrubate or master debate:-P and for the finals i fucking eat also BIG time...:hump:


d r0cK

Well-Known Member
wake n bake and just enjoy the early a.m.. taking care of my plants. Playing video games. Sittin in my chair listening to music. Surf the net for things i see on discovery channel to further my knowledge and complete my quest for world domination! lol also like to go into the hills where it is dark and look at stargaze. get high lay down look at the stars and let your imagination take you on a journey into whats really out there... also like woodworking and building furniture, shelves and crafts. who says operating dangerous tools while high is hazardous? tools dont hurt people, stupid people using tools hurt themselves. i also like to shoot pigeons off my and the neighbor's roof.