What do you hate about dealers/buying bud?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I live someplace where MMJ is legal, and my sister and I were talking today about how weird it is to be able to just walk into a dispensary and buy whatever you want anytime they are open (as long as you have all your paperwork in order, that is). Of course that got us off on a discussion about the bad old days when we couldn't get it legally and had to resort to the black market, so I thought I'd start a thread about the things we all hate (or used to hate) about trying to get our favorite herb. Feel free to add your own gripes or stories. :)

The thing I always hated was that you could never seem to rely on the dealers. I've spent god knows how many hours over the years waiting around for someone to come back with the stuff for a deal that was all supposed to have been arranged, only for them to show up and say they couldn't get ahold of the guy, or that he was out of stuff, etc, etc, etc. How many times have I heard "I should be able to get it by tomorrow" , or "I'm going to be too busy the next couple days, but I can get it when I see them this weekend".

Thing is, I'm the sort of customer a good dealer loves to have-My sister and I have been going in together for years, and we are as regular as clockwork- One QP every other week, and we always have the money ready at delivery time and never ask about fronts. Sure, thats not a huge amount, but you would think that when you let them know your needs up front they wouldn't make promises they couldn't possibly keep. In all my years I've only had one connection i could truly count on, and after he moved out of state I never did meet another dealer that could live up to their claims when it came time to deliver on a regular basis.


Active Member
paying, getting ripped off, having to give a fucking rupture to someone for fucking me over. I fucking hate buying bud, so I grow as much as I can care for every season


Well-Known Member
Street dealers - The shadiness, most dealers I have met were into more than just dealing, theft, armed robbery, etc. The "Im doing you a favor" attitude, the prices

Dispo's - Bud tenders that act like they know something about cannabis (your ignorance shows), the general lack of knowledge regarding strains they sell as clones.

You have the good and bad in anything. I am just glad I live in a state that allows medical.



Well-Known Member
me and mine have been friends for years and he always hooks me up!! if he dont have it.....i wait!!! not worth fuckin with sum punk ass kid!!


Well-Known Member
This is some fire... :confused:
Thats the most disgusting looking weed I ever seen in my life lol.Id throw that shit out.

I just hate the dickheads who try and sell skimp bags.Its always easy to get weed or anything all you have to do is walk out front and somebody got it and if they aren't out there somebody in the chinese store got it.

Confidential Herb

Active Member
I'm sure all of you can relate to this...

The fact that they have this mentality like we are doing them a favor buy purchasing marijuana.. Come on! They need us more then we need them, They phene on the whole idea of it.
Trust me on this one, your dealer hits you up one day saying he's got some fire on deck.. Just say "I'm good" and hangup the phone before he says anything..
From then ON they will understand, how important having a steady clientel is and give you atleast what your paying if not, fuck the guy. Find someone else


Well-Known Member
Personally, I hate dispensaries as well. That "I'm doing you a favor" attitude...I live in OR now but in Cali, some 1/8's are $60!!! WTF!? At a club for a patient...No good...Grow your own, man!!!


Well-Known Member
Thats the most disgusting looking weed I ever seen in my life lol.Id throw that shit out.

I just hate the dickheads who try and sell skimp bags.Its always easy to get weed or anything all you have to do is walk out front and somebody got it and if they aren't out there somebody in the chinese store got it.
I just did a google image search...

It was supposed to be what I hate about dealers. That is obviously not fire. :)


Well-Known Member
i hated the hassle of meeting someone...sometimes having to wait.....i would laugh at the weedman if he said he was doing me a favor....na buddy...its more like im doing a favor for you by lining your pockets with some greenbacks....or another kicker...."man this shit is fire"....or..."its blueberry" blah blah blah......im sure its not buddy......im so glad i dont have these problems anymore....


Well-Known Member
i hated the hassle of meeting someone...sometimes having to wait.....i would laugh at the weedman if he said he was doing me a favor....na buddy...its more like im doing a favor for you by lining your pockets with some greenbacks....or another kicker...."man this shit is fire"....or..."its blueberry" blah blah blah......im sure its not buddy......im so glad i dont have these problems anymore....
Does this sound familiar...

"Well, my buddy's about to get a pound of some good shit. I'll call you tomorrow when he gets it..."

No call. Not even an answer when you call.

No thanks.



Well-Known Member
The whole "I'm doing you a favor" attitude. Fucking ridiculous.
yea like they're not getting an arm and a leg for the ish and that the whole point of them even selling the ish to make $$$ so they should b kissing kiss and giving deal's when they get good clientele like us guy's (not you jackasses tho lol j/k)


Well-Known Member
me- "hey man, whats up?i heard mary was headed over there, id love to hang out with her for a bit"
shady dealer- " yeah man, and she said shes lookin sexy in the bright green dress she's always wearin, she should be here in 30 minutes, maybe an hour at tops, ill give you a call when she shows up"

2 hours later...

me- " whatssup? was she lookin so good you forgot to take your eyes off her and call me back?"
shady dealer- "naaa man, she aint got here yet, but i just heard she's lookin fat too!, she said she'll be here by tonite"


me- " so, she must be super sexy man, for you to be so reclusive...."
shady dealer- "well, she said she got delayed, but she will be here in the morning, with bells on, and she also told me she was gonna show up with here old friend Sid...."

in the morning....

me- "so... mary's not looking to good this morning man.. kinda looks hungover, and she looks all dirty, like shes been hangin out with some mexicans"
shady dealer- "awwww dude but shes the FIRE! it aint brown, thats the newest chocolate haze, its pure 2 toke, i heard it came from amsterdam and some hot chick had to stuff it in her (expletive) just to get it here, here, smell it!'
me- "ahh man, i think i gotta go dude... uhh thanks anyways though. maybe next time...."


Well-Known Member
me- "hey man, whats up?i heard mary was headed over there, id love to hang out with her for a bit"
shady dealer- " yeah man, and she said shes lookin sexy in the bright green dress she's always wearin, she should be here in 30 minutes, maybe an hour at tops, ill give you a call when she shows up"

2 hours later...

me- " whatssup? was she lookin so good you forgot to take your eyes off her and call me back?"
shady dealer- "naaa man, she aint got here yet, but i just heard she's lookin fat too!, she said she'll be here by tonite"


me- " so, she must be super sexy man, for you to be so reclusive...."
shady dealer- "well, she said she got delayed, but she will be here in the morning, with bells on, and she also told me she was gonna show up with here old friend Sid...."

in the morning....

me- "so... mary's not looking to good this morning man.. kinda looks hungover, and she looks all dirty, like shes been hangin out with some mexicans"
shady dealer- "awwww dude but shes the FIRE! it aint brown, thats the newest chocolate haze, its pure 2 toke, i heard it came from amsterdam and some hot chick had to stuff it in her (expletive) just to get it here, here, smell it!'
me- "ahh man, i think i gotta go dude... uhh thanks anyways though. maybe next time...."
lol funny shit :clap:


Well-Known Member
When dealers buy wet weed. And then when you give some constructive criticism. Like buy some drier weed or drying it out or something ('It' being my future purchase(s)). They then say "hey man, then i lose money!" Admitting to my face that they're ripping me off.

Sellin' wet weed weighs more on scale.. and you dont feel the difference until you've smoked 5-10 G's into the oz./half Z.

Sons o' bitches! hah
oh and plus its shit in busters when wet and smokes like crap!


Somethin' that i LOVE when buying weed is when the dealer doesnt have a scale and he/she eye's it out. But only when yah get a nice fatty count! lol