What Do You Guys Think?


Well-Known Member
I'm not being negative, I'm just saying.

it could be nutrient lockout if your ph is under 6.5 also, I just saw the new pics.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Well thanks. I was thinking its Mg defecientcy (stoned excuse the spelling lol) and thought maybe watering with epsom salt. What do you think?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Nah, I should have had some pics on here but my ex is pissed at me lol. Nah, I didn't exacty figure it out, I thought it looked as if it was a Magnesium deficientcy so I treated it as such with epsom salt watering. I don't think it worked. Good thing that most of the plant is green and its still growing. IDK what the problem is and I really wish someone would help. I read 2 different plant pages and it still seems to be Mg but im not sure. Could anyone help me please?


Well-Known Member
hey king blunt, i'm here bro but i'm not sure what the prob with your plant is... as you know i'm racking my head trying to figure out what the hell is going on with my plants! is the problem getting worse or better, or the same? sometimes the bad leaves don't recover but the new growth is green and eventually the bad leaves fall off. make sure you give them ph-balanced water, and good luck trying to find the culprit bro!

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Thanks homer, idk if its getting worse or staying the same. I cant really tell. I do know that its still growing new growth, but some of the newer is green, well most is green, but some of it is turning rust colored and some is yellow. I'm done using nutes in veg. So idk. I'll give her a good flush when possible, but I hope to have some pics up tomorrow. If I get em posted I hope some veteran growers like stoney or conchord would help lol. Send em my way if you talk to any of em lol. I gotta go to bed but take care of your girls. Later bro.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
someone please help my girl. i don't know what's wrong. I treated it as MG deficency and fed epsom salt water. I don't know if it is working. Please help, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Why can't you flush it, that looks like it's getting bad. just flush and make sure the ph is right and wait a week or until you see new healthy growth.


Well-Known Member
hey bro, i'm just here for moral support, not sure what's going on with the plant. i think tafbang is right, but when was your last flush? i thought it was pretty recently... how is your drainage situation? have you measured the ph of your run-off? i still think it could be a ph problem... man, i wish i could give you the answer, but keeping high hopes for you bro.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
only time will tell blunt, i hope she comes through ok for ya. just remember the 4 basics, ph'ed water, good soil, good nutes and lights. when i first started, my plants turned yellow and brown. then the more i learned on here, the better they started looking. now my plants stay green from start to finish. you can do it bro!!

Green Shark

Active Member
Yeah Ph was a big thing for me. I use to could not figure out why my plants wouldnt stay green. Now I know lol! Good luck though King I got faith in the little one!

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Thanks brothas for all the positive support. Today I peaked in the box and it seems as if Misty has exploded with growth, eventhough she was burnt. I treated nute burn with what appeared to be Mg defecientcy. Problem was that the top leaves were twisting (a sign of Mg def. along with browning/yellowing of leaves) what I discovered, after picking up a 97cent thermometer, was my box was running at 90 degrees! No wonder my baby started growing slow. I changed the big exhuast fan to an intake and vis versa with the intake. I'll check temps for that in a lil while. BTW I found a massive ass 64watt at Walmart. Didnt know WallyWorld sold anything over 26 watts. Getting one ore two for my next big adventure lol. Anyways I hope she pulls through ok, becuase alot of the old and big fan leaves are still burnt. The new growth is really really light green. Not good. I'm hoping my temps stay down so she will recover quicker. I picked out a limb that will be used as my personal plant :D , still sad that Misty wont be mine :(. But I have decided that I am going to be doing a bunch of Autos outdoors during the summer and Photos in my closet. I might make a thread about those, but Idk yet. I've chosen Purple Jem, Pineapple Express (fem), Hindu Kush, and Lowryder #2. I'll be breeding all but the pineapple express with the same strain. But I'm also going to be Breeding the Purple Jem with one of the Pineapple Express :D. Anyways Misty is getting better and I'm glad so many people care about a fellow grower. Thanks to all who are here for support. I'll have more pics up within the next few days. Respect for all my fellow friends/growers and many many more smoke filled days. Peace.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
ha, just gave you your 3 rep dot, LoL. if the new growth looks good, in a few days, you could probably cut a couple of the nasty leaves off, not all, but just a couple of the really bad ones, that way, it doesnt use to much energy trying to fix those leaves. just a thought. if i do get a yellow leaf, i puck it right away.


Well-Known Member
I don't know enough to input but I would guess your girl just looks hot. My two cents that are probably only worth one... hah spark the philly, looking good dude.


Well-Known Member
those leaf burns look like actual burns now that I think about it. It's gotta be like 160 in your grow area lol


Well-Known Member
good luck king blunt you will get her dialed in in know time one thing nice about this site alot of people give their input what ive always done is take it in and try to perfect it looking good tho bro