What do you guys think of this idea? +rep


Active Member
So I live in Alaska and I am planning to start one aghan kush ryder. She is currently in the paper towel with her white head barely popping out. anyways, Since she is an autoflower she will ned all the light she can get for the veg period. So, would it be a good idea to keep her outside during the day when she will get sun/ partial sun and then bring her inside at night and put her under no more than 80 watts of cfl? then in the morning bring her back out? she would only be under lights for a max of 12 hours a day. More likely around 8. Thanks guys!

edit: after I see her first pistils I will leave her out all day for flowering. also the point I was trying to make was do you think it will stress the plant too bad going from a 5000 lumen environment for 8 hours at night to a 10,000 lumen environment during the day.


Well-Known Member
im still a,newbie going on my 3rd round myself,but why dont u just keep her indoors,and use cfls thru out,ive read 20/4 works best for AKR in a 3 gallon pot from the start,cuz transplants can stunt autos even done the smoothest way, use 6...25 watt bulbs, use 4 6500k and 2 2700k.....just another idea,use a fan for ventillation,check out the akr cfls grows on here,one guy said he got 2oz dry using cfls