what do you guys think of these two lights?

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im willing to accept a product at a reasonable price, hitting the wavelengths hat seem to work, that saves me heat and elec over hid and is better producing than cfl's. at 170, i can take a chance, im definitely not rich. but at least me elec bill will go down, i wont need to keep buying bulbs every 2 months, and will be able to keep going during summer. i think i won on all fronts. also, i swear some people here own stock in area51 or whatever they keep selling up.

here's my logic... if i need a car to get to work, theres 100 to choose from but only 2 i like for different reasons... a $1500 econo car thats awesome on gas, and a corvette that can pass everything on the road but a gas station.. but costs 60,000... lets just say. both will get me to work, but only one reasonably fit my criteria, and it wasn't the bank breaker. get me??? can u guess which car i hypothetically would've picked? if you're as smart as you seem, you do. then why do u guys recommend products out of someones stated price range? or one that is in range but wouldn't cover my area? maybe u own stock in one of these companies? maybe u read every post but the first? i don't know, maybe u guys get a hardon fucking with people, probably!
This is the ratio of this light, because i guarantee someone will be interested regardless :
● 30 x 5-Watt 650~660nm LED's
● 24 x 5-Watt 620~630nm LED's
● 18 x 5-Watt 460~470nm LED's
● 12 x 5-Watt 440~450nm LED's
● 18 x 5-Watt 3500K White LED's
● 18 x 5-Watt 7500K White LED's
if its junk ill post that too. but i dont see it being junk, i could be wrong, you could be wrong too. i think if they were junk, the seller would have alot of negative feedback since they only carry a few different lights, all junk in your book. yet alot of happy customers referencing their products. could be bad logic, but other sellers selling obvious junk have bad ratings. coincidence? maybe. i think most haven't even looked at the light before assuming it's junk, or bothered to check the seller out.
if its junk ill post that too. but i dont see it being junk, i could be wrong, you could be wrong too. i think if they were junk, the seller would have alot of negative feedback since they only carry a few different lights, all junk in your book. yet alot of happy customers referencing their products. could be bad logic, but other sellers selling obvious junk have bad ratings. coincidence? maybe. i think most haven't even looked at the light before assuming it's junk, or bothered to check the seller out.
No one said it is junk, it is just simply not as efficient as other sources of light.Nor do they release spectrum info and a lot of these lights have heavy blue spectrums which ups the lumen count but not the photon output or at least not a full spectrum for flower.

Lights that don't put out data for diodes, drivers etc, shouldn't be bought with HARD earned money. If you have easily earned money, then by all means, show us how you are the exception and not the rule.....

Those lights are certainly not as efficient as HPS and if you switched, why? So you talk about efficiency while purchasing an inefficient light, that is the kicker.
2nd post gave you all the info you needed, but seeing in how you weren't looking for an opinion on what to buy [seems like it was already purchased] so it seems dubious of sorts....spam?
i'm going to ask a few questions and maybe u can see what i mean.
#1 can u guys please recommend a light under $200 that can adequately light my 4x4 space?
#2 recommend a light that can adequately light my 4x4 space?
#3 now if no to question #1, how much more efficient is your #2 model than this one? (ballpark)
if i take your model's price, and divide it by mine (170) how much more does it cost? 2x? 3x? 4x? 5x? will i get that numbers worth of medicine more than i would with this one? like 3 time more, or four times more? i'm on a budget and wanted a good bang for my buck on a light(led only). i'll only consider your #2 answer if it exceeds in weight, it's double or triple etc... price increase over the one i chose.
2nd post gave you all the info you needed, but seeing in how you weren't looking for an opinion on what to buy [seems like it was already purchased] so it seems dubious of sorts....spam?
please leave this thread, please
you're not contributing anything worthwhile and i'd rather not argue with u cuz that's where it will go. just being real. thanks
^ it is not negligible, I don't think. You are defying your criteria a bit, that is imho what I might have sounded coming off that way....

The people who have gave you pertinent advice, know the situation as well, many, many have been there and have beat a dead horse over and over again on this topic.

The spectrums are only advertised and no datasheet exists, absence of proof isn't proof itself, but how can you be certain of the quality of diodes or of the spectrums they emit?

Broken record time: the reason higher priced lights keeping getting pushed all the time, is that they select components from companies with known specs, nothing to hide, they are all released. So spectrum, wattage, intensity can all be accounted for.

When you get into companies that say they supply a certain spectrum but have no documentation to back it up, it should stand out as a red flag.

That and the forum is literally, littered with handfuls of dead lights with these type of characteristics.

I still fit into the category of Not Affording Shit, but I waited and took my time and balanced efficiency with cost, spent about as much as you or less [not trying to dig] and am more than pleased.

Myself, I am still running cheaper diodes in one area and they perform great, but I know that more advancement is easily on the horizon, and wont waste my time with cheaper tech.
tired of highass electric bill from ~660 watts of hid, plus ~ 200 watts of fans/filter and alot of a/c in the summertime. they just raised the price of electricity 39% this november so my bill went up considerably. i'll actually recoup the cost of the light on electric saved on light, less fans and a/c, and NOT HAVING TO REPLACE A BULB EVERY CYCLE. these things are the REAL cost of using hid lights, so the upfront costs of leds aren't putting me off. i'm a big picture type of person, and next year i'll upgrade and sell my old ones to a frien for a good friendly price. sorry for the long answer, but sometimes you gotta put it all out there or people will just ask questions or try to convert you to a light of THIER liking.

If 660w is giving u high ass electric, grow outdoors, or find your real power hog...

Are you running them on a 240v line? I run bulbs 2-3 harvests easy, and LEDs will have u soldering replacements too, trust me.

LEDs still wont compare yet to HiDs, you should have an air cooled 600w in a 4x4 area w/ ZERO trouble, and for less than like $60 a month... ffs, I run 2 600w, 2 400w on a 240v line, and a 250w hps + 250w CFL on the kitchen plugs... (makeshift veg room lol)

I didnt have probs til summer and 2 A/C's kicked in...

Find where your power is going, 660w is not that much... Costs more to run a $25 electric space heater on low than to run ur grow room.
I can buy a Yugo or VW Polo too. Both get around, 1 is giant piece of shit, but still works.

I tried. Hope you find your holy grail of cheap-assery.
If 660w is giving u high ass electric, grow outdoors, or find your real power hog...

Are you running them on a 240v line? I run bulbs 2-3 harvests easy, and LEDs will have u soldering replacements too, trust me.

LEDs still wont compare yet to HiDs, you should have an air cooled 600w in a 4x4 area w/ ZERO trouble, and for less than like $60 a month... ffs, I run 2 600w, 2 400w on a 240v line, and a 250w hps + 250w CFL on the kitchen plugs... (makeshift veg room lol)

I didnt have probs til summer and 2 A/C's kicked in...

Find where your power is going, 660w is not that much... Costs more to run a $25 electric space heater on low than to run ur grow room.

Led's do compare, just not these ones.
#1 can u guys please recommend a light under $200 that can adequately light my 4x4 space?
#2 recommend a light that can adequately light my 4x4 space?
#3 now if no to question #1, how much more efficient is your #2 model than this one? (ballpark)
if i take your model's price, and divide it by mine (170) how much more does it cost? 2x? 3x? 4x? 5x? will i get that numbers worth of medicine more than i would with this one? like 3 time more, or four times more? i'm on a budget and wanted a good bang for my buck on a light(led only). i'll only consider your #2 answer if it exceeds in weight, it's double or triple etc... price increase over the one i chose.

This is getting complicated. Let's define some parameters:

Space: 4x4, 16 sq. ft.
Light output: 320w
w/sq ft: 20
Cost: $170
Replaces: 660w HPS (41w/sq ft)
Goals: heat/energy reduction for < $200

You can have heat reduction for < $200. 20w/sq ft of LED (efficient or inefficient) will use less energy and produce less heat than 41w/sq ft of HPS. This will be accomplished at the expense of yield. If you're ok with that, there's no reason for anyone to question your choice.

Usually yield is the baseline. When someone asks about replacing what they have, it's assumed they mean keeping the same yield.

If you wanted to replace your yield with inefficient LED it would require about as many watts as you have with HPS, and about as much heat. You couldn't do it for < $200. But, you could do it for about $400.

If you wanted to replace your yield with efficient LED, it would require about 2/3 the watts of your HID. For example, three Area 51 RW-150s for $800 more. You would save 96 kwh per month. You'd have to determine how much you pay for electricity. Also factor in the cost of cooling in the summer. Let's say you'd save $20 monthly (avg). It would pay for itself in 40 months.

That may sound like a long time, but an inexpensive epi-whatever fixture might last 2 years. (Spending $400 every 2 years?).

There's no free rides. Energy/heat, cost or yield. Pick the one you're willing to sacrifice.
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i'm really not trying to be a dick, honestly. and i didn't ignore anyone cuz i might not agree today but might agree with something u guys say in the future. we can insult each other backhandedly or maybe we could all listen instead. again i only asked about these 3 at first, until i broke down and humored u guys :peace: man, that's what we need.
off topic, but how many watts of good led psf, vs how many of these panels worth psf? seriously.
i will quote myself for those who might have skipped it:

"tired of highass electric bill from ~660 watts of hid, plus ~ 200 watts of fans/filter and alot of a/c in the summertime. they just raised the price of electricity 39% this november so my bill went up considerably. i'll actually recoup the cost of the light on electric saved on light, less fans and a/c, and NOT HAVING TO REPLACE A BULB EVERY CYCLE. these things are the REAL cost of using hid lights, so the upfront costs of leds aren't putting me off. i'm a big picture type of person, and next year i'll upgrade and sell my old ones to a frien for a good friendly price. sorry for the long answer, but sometimes you gotta put it all out there or people will just ask questions or try to convert you to a light of THIER liking."

i mentioned hid cost + a/c and fans as a reason for switch.
stated i will only year and sell it

"8 foot ceilings, 4x4 space but not married to that size.. movable walls and separate flowering room plant gets moved into for night time"

mentioned 4x4 but said not married to size due to movable walls.

i could go on, but only e few will actually read it, most will skim and talk crap
this can be a quality forum, but i can see why on other forums, the members say stay away from the pissing contests here (not that i didn't contribute)
No one said it is junk, it is just simply not as efficient as other sources of light.Nor do they release spectrum info and a lot of these lights have heavy blue spectrums which ups the lumen count but not the photon output or at least not a full spectrum for flower.

Lights that don't put out data for diodes, drivers etc, shouldn't be bought with HARD earned money. If you have easily earned money, then by all means, show us how you are the exception and not the rule.....

Those lights are certainly not as efficient as HPS and if you switched, why? So you talk about efficiency while purchasing an inefficient light, that is the kicker.
i do know spectrum, stated that, also numbers of red and blues, if u read it u would've seen that. lights not driven hard, 300 watts at wall for 600 watts of led diodes, sounds right to me. quit making assumptions cuz u definitely made ass ass of yourself
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