What do you guys think I should do??


Active Member
Hey, I'm about 2 weeks into 12/12 and just had to get rid of 2 males, leaving me with 2 females. Right now I've got 2 26W 2700k CFLs and 1 26W 6500K CFL going and this definitely doesn't seem like enough lighting, especially since the flowering is going slowly. The plants are doing pretty good but one is getting much taller than the other. If I don't want to invest any more money, should I just ditch one and make sure all of the light gets to one? Or, should I keep it the way it is and just keep rotating the lighting? Will it be a quality vs. quantity type issue?



Well-Known Member
ok, first ok lookin good, i would keep both raise the other one up to the height of the taller one, put a book or something under it and keep you lights as close as possible


Active Member
yeah, i can sorta angle the light which is helping, but i don't really want to invest much more money so hps is out of the question. i guess i'll just get a few more cfl's. if i don't get any more lights, will this affect potency or just the time it takes to finish flowering??

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
BTW, ya shud REALLY get more CFL's! If ya dont, it will affect yer weight, density of buds, etc. It most likely will NOT affect potency, that is up to many other factors.


Active Member
I'd say get 1 extra light for the smaller one.

Should also think about getting something for reflection from the side walls, could also line your reflector with tinfoil/aluminiumfoil. The lower fan leaves are stretching too much and that way they are to weak later on.


Active Member
kk thanks for the input guys...i've got some reflective tissue paper which i've got up on two sides so i'm hoping is similar to the reflective wrapping paper. i'm definitely gunna invest in those reflective trays too.