What do you guys think about this grow room design? will it work.. ( HOMEMADE TENT )


Active Member
Basically because my CFL broke i am going to start all over again with a good set up
im thinking about making my own tent type grow room such as a closet or something, heres my idea.

- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250800433654#ht_5428wt_905 using that as the grow ' tent ' or ' closet ' itself,
- Lace the whole inside with mylar or emergency blankets
- Insert a 7 inch fan for cooling the inside
- Cut out two exhaust vents more higher in the tent, insert two computer 120mm fans
- clamp the CFL light on with one of them ' clamps ' onto the railing
will thgis be a good idea?


yea sounds good, depending on how many you are planning on growing. Only problem i can maybe see is the height, CFL are great for smaller plants but you might struggle with just one on a taller plant. Either way, good luck mate


Active Member
the CFL is a big 125w dual spec
it grew my other plant well until it broke..
im just going to be growing one at a time
if i grow +1 then i add an extra 100w for each plant
well reflective so light goes everywhere
and im growing autoflowers anyway so their small
growing a low widow strain which reaches 1m-1.2m and thats on optimal conditions, mine will go a metre max i think