what do you do with your resin?


Well-Known Member

You can clean up your resin somewhat by:

1. Smear the resin on the inside of a coffee filter, smear thin for quicker dissolving.
2. use double filters to get better taste.
3. Place the filter over a pyrex tray (I put the filter in a mesh kitchen strainer).
4. Spray butane into the filter to dissolve the resin and wash it through the filters.
5. Some of the soot and smell is trapped in the filter and you get clearer oil in the tray.

Has to be done outdoors.


thanks till the day I die and hobbes. you guys are genius if i knew ho Im going to try both methods and see which works best for me. I knew there should be a way to somewhat purify resin its just sticky and hard to mess with but man do I have an abundant source of that stank. As soon as this fing snow clears up and I can get out of my damn mother in laws house im going home to *smoke* and try the extraction. But for now im stuck here...cant smoke and got a prego wife n her mom driving me insane!!!!!


Well-Known Member


If anyone tries the butane/coffee filter method and has trouble spraying butane safely - put a pyrex measuring cup in a plastic bag (to avoid condensation) and put the cup in a freezer for a half hour. Take everything outdoors and spray the butane in the pyrex measuring cup and then pour the liquid butane through the filter. Colobri butane will stay liquid at -1C.


Try a spray cap from a pump or aerosol spray bottle/can.


Iso will work as well but it is not as quick acting a solvent for mj resin as butane and it is a near polar solvent, which means it will dissolve some of the water soluble crap we don't want. Butane is non polar, which, basically for our needs, means = oils only. If you want to use Iso put the resin in a glass jar with Iso, shake until all of the resin is dissolved, pour the iso through the filter. Naphtha cooking stove gas is non polar (better quality oil); evaporates with no residue; and works quicker than Iso ... but ... the boiling off process is toxic and more dangerous than butane since the boiling point is much higher (~65C) than butane (-0.5C).


I cannot stress this enough:
- outdoors only: no garage, no porch, no doghouse.
- no flame, no joints, no cigarrettes, no electrical appliances, no wool


Don't become a statistic!




Well-Known Member
Talk about dieing to get high...

I thought about this thread last night, as I filled and shook my bubbler till the turd that came out of the down stem broke into small enough chunks to come out mouth piece (alcohol and kosher salt if you want it clean...and do not "blow your own":lol:)...right into the toilet...where resin belongs!
