what do you do while you trim?


Moderatrix of Journals
(sorry bout the crappy pic... yes that's a quarter....)

....psych! i did NOT abuse the plants....
that is pure scissor-grade hash off a spinpro. <-- think you hate trimming? i HATE having to work with one of those... but these are the perks.... ;)


Well-Known Member
I was working on Simpsons reruns (want to have seen every episode) and managed to go through 7 on my last harvest


Well-Known Member
Ya I also LIVE for my scissor hash while trimming......so fresh so tasty......has anyone ever eaten a glob of scissor hash? I did once (like 1 gram), it was spicy on the tongue and actually fucked me up in the belly, never got to my head
yuck... you gotta heat it before it's really psychoactive. I bet cookin with it would be gnar.


Moderatrix of Journals
***SCISSOR FIGHT*** (bitch's gotta defend 'erself....)

that reminds me of a time the dude across from me fell asleep and stabbed himself in the face..... i swear i had ptsd after that....


Well-Known Member
yuck... you gotta heat it before it's really psychoactive. I bet cookin with it would be gnar.
Not yuck at all man, it was Magus Genetics Motavation and thats a pretty tasty strain, by spicy i mean like hard carbonation(sprite or diet coke) feeling but still tasted like paint/fruity....yep....and yes I bet cookin with it would be great


Well-Known Member
Your all gonna think I am a Poindexter, but I actually turn the TV on to CSPAN and listen to them running our government. We are in trouble people.


Active Member
Beer and Music as well Nubby. I remember when I "liked" trimming (first harvest or 2), after that the novelty wears off and it's WORK! Have broke friends come over and make them trim and give them some goods for their trouble.

And yeah Harry, LOVE the scissor hash :)
lol! just harvested tonight! and i had a buddy and his girl come over and help me,( i only have 4 plants but they were decent sized) we just watched TV and talked shit while we trimmed and smoked and laughed, its a good time. and HELL YEAH to the scissor hash, that was the best bowl of the night tonight!


Active Member
Your all gonna think I am a Poindexter, but I actually turn the TV on to CSPAN and listen to them running our government. We are in trouble people.
I kind of do the same thing . I'll be doing this tomarrow probably watching CNN, doing bonghits, drinking lots of coffee and taking a muscle relaxer to help prevent cramping. I just bought a pretty nice pair of spring loaded trimming sheers. Hope it helps with the cramping.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha ya the cramping in your hands sucks, forgot about that shit, havent trimmed in well............bout a month and a half...............boy I cant wait to trim in a month:weed:


Active Member
I sit on my bed and trim while watching movies. Movies that I've already seen so I can follow it without watching. Or i'll get some instant Netflix stand up comedian going so I can follow without having to watch the screen. My dogs lay at my feet, tongues hanging out like they are high on the fumes, they look like they're 1/2 passed out.


Well-Known Member
i have a ritual of watching king of queens. the early episodos season 1-4. seen them so many times so i dont have to look at the screen :)


Active Member
music and get a few VERY TRUSTED friends to help and shoot the shit with. take as many smoke breaks as needed. keep your friends high for the help and/or toss them a few buds.

jack ripa

Active Member
Yep, I slap on a movie I have seen a hundred times and take tokes of scissor hash.

I have trimmed a lot and I still like it. I guess it would suck to trim for $10 an hour but this is my wonderful medicine! It's magical undressing the buds.