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k l o n o p i n
Thats funny you mention that because that is an option for me. But honestly they suck hardcore. The only good thing is it helps me sleep, but thats about it. Im not really anxious unless im smoking so I guess theres not much for it to fix. Benzos in general are retarded (for me/imo). If theres no euphoria whats in it for me? Thats what Im looking for, thats why I love bud.k l o n o p i n
I Guess??? It all started when I started getting the daily stoner routine... I used to smoke a couple of times a week. And honestly I got to say, It was more enjoyable. I would get 10x more high smoking like that vs. smoking everyday. Smoking everyday ups your tolerance pretty quick. To the point where It would just be a light switch. I would smoke and be like okay Im high... Unless it was more than normal/previous day. But youre right if youre gonna smoke everyday make sure youre prepared. The shitty thing is one day you dont smoke and everything is boring.i believe if you're a true stoner, you never run out...I still have a qtr of weed before payday on Friday...and I've been smoking a friend out really don't need a lot of the weed i'm smoking...shit's so good.
Cant smoke? What about edibles? Is that what the cupcake is about?(;used to pop but Im gettn old to be doin hard ish. I cant smoke for a few years, so I work out drink mad coffee cupcake
study go out to dinner wine and work as much as the day allows.
Well thats good that you have a lot of things going on for you, I can see how you wouldnt be bored if you kept yourself busy all day. So thats good. I know what you mean though, I used to smoke after work all the time to relax. I guess just like how people drink wine at the end of the dayWish I could buy wine and eat out every day without feeling overtly extravagant. I do keep myself busy though. If I'm too wrapped up in dance/gym/yoga/music/horses/art/the computer I might end up smoking just before bed, which is all I need really. Sorry, going off topic.
That seed is fucking beautiful