Pullin' weeds
Well-Known Member
Get high, Have sex

Fuck come to canada i think they built one for each person that is born!I love to just sit around and talk with friends, play games (video and board), listen to music, think about the universe and how to eradicate religion. By the by, I have always wanted to go to a Tim Hortons.
Fuck come to canada i think they built one for each person that is born!
Where in Canada exactly are you?Fuck come to canada i think they built one for each person that is born!
I smoke a bowl and if the TV is free i'll hop on the 360 and play some games mostly RDR Undead Nightmare or i'll watch some tv if theirs anything good on or I watch whats on the DVR i got Dazed and Confused recorded so i'm pretty entertained gonna have to quit smoking incase hobby lobby calls and needs a drug testA normal day as always, what are you doing baked?
I play some video games and eat some food then maybe go for a nice walk around the block to get some fresh air. Zone out watching t.v. or start writing on the book i just started.
I tried the sundried tomato with roasted garlic soup today because of your post and it was so nommyI often wonder if people from the states ever wonder who this tim guy is