What do you dip you're new cuttings in as an IPM or to root quicker

... Do you happen to know the mechanism(s), like, what makes this work? ...
Not trying to be flippant ( because it comes naturally so I don't have to try ... ) but I think I typed "I don't want to buy any more of that dark purple goo to do cannabis cloning" in the Google search bar and I was presented with all these methods of cloning from using the usual suspects like CLONEX to using someone's homemade Willow Water.

Ground dry cinnamon showed in that list. I checked the spice cupboard and saw that we have sufficient quantities of ground cinnamon to last me until I am totally done with cannabis. ( What an oxymoron - me totally done with cannabis! ) And I have been using dry ground cinnamon ever since.

Two more happy campers cloned with cinnamon:

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Not much foliage on either cause the excess branching has been removed and the spread has started.
you can also use Aloe or Honey for cloning..

or even a cup of just water that is refreshed every few days.
Heard those before, have tried aloe with varying success since we grow aloe. Haven't tried honey yet. Using Clonex got me bigger healthier roots, and sooner, than with using aloe, but I'm the first to admit I'm not the best at cloning.

Also left a cutting in a cup of water for like 2 weeks, never got roots, tried it in a cabinet and in a window sill. But like I said, I suck at cloning, so. . .. :lol: lol

Never heard of using cinnamon before though.
I only used aloe and cinnamon at first, they took a little longer but I felt the cuts were healthier and ready to go faster.. I used aloe, then dipped in cinnamon, my thought process was the aloe may take longer to root and the cinnamon should keep the cut safe from rot issues during that time..

then I came up against a stubborn plant that would not root without clonex..

cinnamon interestingly enough from what I have read does not actually work due to a hormone but rather its a natural fungicide that helps most plants root by inhibiting rot in stem cuttings. It sounds to me like it just allows the plant to sit there without rotting for enough time that it roots but I don't fully know the science behind it
fwiw to compare against - I've been using SouthernAg Bio Friendly Fungicide (or any of the bacillus 747 strain based products that come in a high concentration) as an IPM.

The last few times I cloned from my mothers I made a small tray of a moderately high concentration to use as a dip. I cleaned my cloner, add the same SothernAg BFF to the rez water itself and spray the top of the cloner and the dome with it too. Then as I put plants into the cloner I dip the entire plant & even the foam collar in that tray of water so everything gets it. I expand the foam collar to make sure it gets into the nooks & crannies.

That has done fairly well for me re: damping off type of issues. I'd say using that approach translated to your medium/grow style may help.
I've had great luck with Clonex, but never tried anything different. If you really want to have consistent success, I would recommend an autocloner. I got mine on Amazon for like $75. Id say about 90% success rate. I use very lightly fertilzed water (Veg+Bloom powder). I used Clonex probably half the time. The Clonex clones had roots in about half the time and the roots were definitely thicker and longer. I thought using it in the autocloner was dumb because...wouldn't the jets just wash it off? I was surpised at the results but I'll be using this method from now on. Same strains every time by the way.