What do you dip you're new cuttings in as an IPM or to root quicker


Well-Known Member
Right after I take a cutting what should I dip it in? I have Anthena IPM, Regalia CG, and PureCrop 1. I've been getting some PM and my cuttings have been taking longer to get roots, not sure if its related.
Bump so what should I dip my brand new cuttings in them right when I take them from the mother plant. Anthena IPM, Regalia CG, or PureCrop 1 ???
I was getting PM and the I want something that will help them root better.
... so what should I dip my brand new cuttings in them right when I take them from the mother plant ...
Immediately after they are cut from the mother? Put them in some plain water while you get the cloning stuff ready. Then when the cuttings are prepared to be shoved into the medium - you've removed any bottom leaves then sliced the stem - you can then dip the prepared end in the rooting hormone.

I gather that you looking to purchase some type of rooting hormone?
... I was getting PM ...
Cinnamon provides dozens of benefits to plants, including its natural antifungal and antibacterial properties.
... I just read up on this and I'm going to try it on my basil cuttings this summer ...
I tried a small $15 container of the purple rooting hormone from the hydro store. It worked well for helping the cuttings root. But when the purple goo ran out, I tried the ground cinnamon. I had the exact same success with the cinnamon as I did with the purple goo.

With ~1/2 dozen successful cloning expeditions using ground cinnamon, a substance that I can purchase a lot for less than $2, I have not had to purchase any more of the purple goo.
Right after I take a cutting what should I dip it in? I have Anthena IPM, Regalia CG, and PureCrop 1. I've been getting some PM and my cuttings have been taking longer to get roots, not sure if its related.
3ppm residual chlorine solution and let it aerate in that until roots appears. Other than that IBA-K and NAA, KLN has it amongst many other.

Keep the surface clean and sterile and you will see roots. If you used Pool shock the time you tried chlorine I understand why you failed. I never had good results with Pool Shock and my local 5% unscented bleach is much cleaner, easier and better to use. I get roots in 5 days without any rooting hormones.
Rockwool with minimal sunlight which is a 40 watt veg bulb 3 feet away.
I advice you to stop using Rockwool for cuttings. RW is naturally high in pH and cuttings needs P to create roots. P becomes way less available over pH 6.5.

Since you're running hydro you should aim for pH 5.8 and that's gonna be hard to keep that for longer periods if you don't constantly feed and replenish the medium in RW. If you still decide to use Rockwool I would feed with lower pH than what you expect to use ~5.3-5.5.
New to the forum. New to growing, I’ve successfully made about a half dozen clones.

I’ve read that all cloning powders and gels work. Some are just priced higher. The two I use cost about $20 total.

I use a clean pair of snips.
Cut at a 45 degree angle, place in water.
Scrape up the sides of the stem, cut about a half inch slit at the base.
Dip the end in gel then powder.
Put a little powder in the bottom of the
soil, I grow in soil.

Place a humidity dome over top. Mist once or twice a day. If I do it right I’ll have clone ready soon.

Good Luck


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I've been getting some PM and my cuttings have been taking longer to get roots, not sure if its related.
How cold is the room getting at night? Are you using a heating pad? PM is typically caused by drastic swings in heat. Slow rooting is typically caused by a lack of warmth. The cut will eventually start to brown and mold if the environment isn't correct.
The OP is looking for an IPM to prevent PM on his cuts. He can make clones no problem he has a PM problem so he is wonder what he should dunk them In to prevent the clones from having PM because the mothers have PM he is taking the cuts from. I would use a diluted chlorine bath or peroxide bath. My cuttings root quicker in the winter months than they do in the spring and not sure why that is but I’m definitely going to try the ground cinnamon for rooting powder on my next batch.
If you all checkout the OP’s post he has been battling the dreaded PM for a bit now so hopefully he can get it figured out
How cold is the room getting at night? Are you using a heating pad? PM is typically caused by drastic swings in heat. Slow rooting is typically caused by a lack of warmth. The cut will eventually start to brown and mold if the environment isn't correct.
His basement can’t be controlled and he is running 5 tents in there. See his other post. He refuses to fix environment or says it can’t be fixed so is looking for a cure spray or IPM program that will keep it minimal
I dip the entire clone in Athena Cleanse, upside down first & fully submerge the entire clone, then drop the whole thing in roots & all, swish & soak for about a minute.

This can also be done with bleach-water diluted 9 to 1.
... Elaborate? Just use cinnamon on the cut end, like you do with cloning gel? ...
Yes sir ...

You would prepare the cutting like normal where you strip all of that lower leaf and stuff off then slice and/or gently scrape the stem. Yes, I still do the 45 degree angle cut.

Then dip the prepared end into the dry ground cinnamon then gently shove the tip into your medium. ( I clone in straight Pro-Mix HP ) You can dip the stem until about 3/4" of the bottom is covered in cinnamon. There will be a 1/4" bit of cinnamon above the soil line for a bit which helps to prevent that blackening as time progresses.
Yes sir ...

You would prepare the cutting like normal where you strip all of that lower leaf and stuff off then slice and/or gently scrape the stem. Yes, I still do the 45 degree angle cut.

Then dip the prepared end into the dry ground cinnamon then gently shove the tip into your medium. ( I clone in straight Pro-Mix HP ) You can dip the stem until about 3/4" of the bottom is covered in cinnamon. There will be a 1/4" bit of cinnamon above the soil line for a bit which helps to prevent that blackening as time progresses.
VERY COOL! Where'd you hear/read about this out of curiosity? Do you happen to know the mechanism(s), like, what makes this work? Sounds similar to using aloe, but cinnamon?? Neat. Never heard it, never knew it was a thing, I'm loving learning this right now, thank you!

I suppose i could google the mexhanism(s) :lol: lol, but if you happen to already know, cool