What do you carry your everyday smoke in


Well-Known Member
Using the the old Jail Safe?
Keistering is what I think the LEO call it and when done many people are. Injured and need surgery....
Am I Close?

I have met three different smokers with a missing limb, they all thought that nobody would look a prosthetic.

It's the First place LEO will look after a serious frisk if they want to.

I was related to an NYPD cop for all of the 80' and 90's before I divorced his sister.
He would take pot off people and bring it home for me, not bales just a Baggie or so.
Also illegal Switch Blades and a Variety of other nasties, he gave me his leather Sap Gloves when he retired.
6 ounces of powdered lead in the knuckles of each glove, to bad they are a concealed weapon.
I can wear them with a CCW!
I've smoked confinscated weed before from a friend that was staying with a cop buddy while his house was being built. Cop would come home and announce how he must have forgot to turn in this small amount and leave it on top of the garbage can. We got so fucking high.

Edit: I now try to hide my weed in these things called rolling papers. I used to roll with a piece and one of those mint tins when I traveled for work.


Well-Known Member
have a medicine bottle that I will load up before I head to a buddies.. we just noticed the other day the med bottle was from a vet office.. has a picture of cats and dogs on the lid..


Well-Known Member
I like to do it on the DL but stylish at the same time
I mean seriously who's gonna think I got bud stashed in this???


bud bootlegger
I like to it on the DL but stylish at the same time
View attachment 2844030
I mean seriously who's gonna think I got bud stashed in this???
when i went to barcelona a few years ago i got one of these.. i had read many reports of how bad pick pockets were in barca, so i said, what the hell, better safe than sorry right??
well, after the first day, i felt so damn gay i decided it was better to get pick pocketed than picked up by a pack of gay spanish men.. :D


Well-Known Member
I like to it on the DL but stylish at the same time
View attachment 2844030
I mean seriously who's gonna think I got bud stashed in this???
when i went to barcelona a few years ago i got one of these.. i had read many reports of how bad pick pockets were in barca, so i said, what the hell, better safe than sorry right??
well, after the first day, i felt so damn gay i decided it was better to get pick pocketed than picked up by a pack of gay spanish men.. :D

Lol, I was thinking about getting a fanny pack when I originally went to China. I got a travel wallet thingy instead. But I came to find out that the fanny pack is most definitely accepted by all creeds in China.


bud bootlegger
Lol, I was thinking about getting a fanny pack when I originally went to China. I got a travel wallet thingy instead. But I came to find out that the fanny pack is most definitely accepted by all creeds in China.
the really funny part of the story is after i ditched the fanny pack, pick pockets were still in my mind.. i was walking down this one street, las ramblas, which is the street that every tour book warned about..
i was walking along and this like 70 year old prostitute approached me.. wouldn't you just know it, the one person in spain who spoke english had to be this old whore right? she comes up to me asking to give me a bj, blah blah blah.. she was rather blunt and was getting all up in my personal space.. i was about ready to hit her just so she'd leave me the hell alone.
i finally get away from the ole ho and took about five steps, and thought to myself, pick pocketer, and went immediately to my pockets and found no money.. i was about to freak out and started to chase after her, when i remembered the last time i bought something, i stuck my money in my sock, an old move from my hard core drug days..
i had completely forgot that i had stuck my money in my sock and thought i was about to get into a fight with some 70 year old spanish whore.. damn hash in spain is good, lol..


Well-Known Member
the really funny part of the story is after i ditched the fanny pack, pick pockets were still in my mind.. i was walking down this one street, las ramblas, which is the street that every tour book warned about..
i was walking along and this like 70 year old prostitute approached me.. wouldn't you just know it, the one person in spain who spoke english had to be this old whore right? she comes up to me asking to give me a bj, blah blah blah.. she was rather blunt and was getting all up in my personal space.. i was about ready to hit her just so she'd leave me the hell alone.
i finally get away from the ole ho and took about five steps, and thought to myself, pick pocketer, and went immediately to my pockets and found no money.. i was about to freak out and started to chase after her, when i remembered the last time i bought something, i stuck my money in my sock, an old move from my hard core drug days..
i had completely forgot that i had stuck my money in my sock and thought i was about to get into a fight with some 70 year old spanish whore.. damn hash in spain is good, lol..
Lol, Could she take her teeth out RB? I think that's called a gumjob. :p pick-pockets are a problem in China too. Not a pick pocket story but still kind of fits nonetheless.... as soon as we walked out of The Forbidden city we were hounded by this pretty little thing trying to sell us tours. We tried to walk away but she kept encroaching. We went and got some corn on the cob and sat on a bench and the chick came and knelt down talking to my wife in Mandarin, sill encroaching. My wife couldn't get her to leave, so I asked my wife to ask her if she wanted to have a threesome with us. Mrs. Neo laughed and said something in Chinese. The girl looked at me with total disgust and disbelief. Then she left. Either way would have been fine though. :cool:


bud bootlegger
Lol, Could she take her teeth out RB? I think that's called a gumjob. :p pick-pockets are a problem in China too. Not a pick pocket story but still kind of fits nonetheless.... as soon as we walked out of The Forbidden city we were hounded by this pretty little thing trying to sell us tours. We tried to walk away but she kept encroaching. We went and got some corn on the cob and sat on a bench and the chick came and knelt down talking to my wife in Mandarin, sill encroaching. My wife couldn't get her to leave, so I asked my wife to ask her if she wanted to have a threesome with us. Mrs. Neo laughed and said something in Chinese. The girl looked at me with total disgust and disbelief. Then she left. Either way would have been fine though. :cool:
lol, she probably could have neo, i didn't get that deep into the conversation to ask though... and the last thing i would have wanted was a twosome with this chic, ffs, she was old enough to be my mother...


Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to a gum job oneday. It's the only thing I can imagine that makes sex as a senior citizen fun...


Well-Known Member
I'm going to assume you meant for the wife? lol

I notice that keyboard has some big ass letters on it. I got to get one of those for my pops.

Yea, she now has a nice set of long lasting teeth.:mrgreen:

And your "pops" will love the large letters in low light.