What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
76million/330million is about 23% that voted for Trump, His support dropped a lot after Jan 6 failed insurrection.

And just found this too, so might be as low as 6% now days support Trump. (21/330)

View attachment 4996401

why doesn't mainstream report this? same with Pompeo CIA wishing to kidnap/assassinate Assange..how come CNN WAPO NYT AP Reuters they aren't reporting this?
like the slope we're on right now is fucking stable and level?
Isn’t any voting restriction, other than age, un-democratic?

Sometimes the people get it wrong. It’s a flaw in a democratic system than can have tragic consequences. Is the solution to be more restrictive with voting or to try to resolve the societal issues that caused the people to get it wrong?
why doesn't mainstream report this? same with Pompeo CIA wishing to kidnap/assassinate Assange..how come CNN WAPO NYT AP Reuters they aren't reporting this?
My guess is they are waiting for more official confirmation so they don't get caught in another troll from these propagandists.

Found this on WaPo:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/27/democrats-are-racing-discredit-maricopa-style-election-audits/Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 11.09.03 AM.png
The planning focused on whether the CIA could hit WikiLeaks servers that housed as-yet unpublished agency documents if they showed up online — effectively erasing the documents from the Internet, Yahoo News’s Zach Dorfman, Sean D. Naylor and Michael Isikoff report. It never did find such documents.

The U.S. government also discussed potentially kidnapping or assassinating WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in the wake of the website’s publication of a tranche of CIA hacking tools known as “Vault 7,” they report.

Assange, who was holed up within Ecuador’s London embassy, has battled potential extradition to the United States, where he faces 18 federal charges, including conspiring to crack a password.
Other revelations:
  • The CIA may have stolen and destroyed WikiLeaks associates’ hard drives.
  • U.S. intelligence agencies had access to video feeds of Assange within Ecuador’s London embassy, according to a former national security official.
The CIA declined to comment. Barry Pollack, Assange’s U.S. lawyer, said he found it “absolutely outrageous that our government would be contemplating kidnapping or assassinating somebody without any judicial process simply because he had published truthful information.”
The main issue with American government is how one side has been hijacked by lunatics with their conspiracies. The Republicans allowed the likes of Qanon, trump, and other crazies to hold their party hostage. Nobody spoke up about the insane garbage that was spreading and now they're beholden to the most ignorant voters in America.

Then you have idiots like marjorie taylor greene claiming the Republican party belongs to trump. trump wasn't even a Republican until he decided to run for President. Before that he was one of Clinton's largest donors when she was running for the Senate. Now he's their savior/conman. They're just too stupid to realize they're being used or they just don't care. trump got the racists to crawl out from under their rocks by demonizing people with brown skin.
The problem with the American Government is that it is straying away from the ideals and intentions of the founders. The limitations placed by them on the ones who would seek to usurp power from the intended rulers. -The people. Why? The government is fraught with corruption. The corrupt elements are world wide. They are legion. You can call it the New World Order, lucifarianism, Marxism, Communism, woke culture or the new normal, build back better. It's all the same thing. A brain washing of the masses utilizing the hegelian dialectic- problem, reaction, solution. You can spot the victims most affected by the programing by there quick fits of anger towards any one that might differ in opinion and a habit of resorting to emotion rather than logic. These victims also concede that the consensus (on nanny state approved screens) equals truth. Divide and conquer psychological warfare.
The problem with the American Government is that it is straying away from the ideals and intentions of the founders. The limitations placed by them on the ones who would seek to usurp power from the intended rulers. -The people. Why? The government is fraught with corruption. The corrupt elements are world wide. They are legion. You can call it the New World Order, lucifarianism, Marxism, Communism, woke culture or the new normal, build back better. It's all the same thing. A brain washing of the masses utilizing the hegelian dialectic- problem, reaction, solution. You can spot the victims most affected by the programing by there quick fits of anger towards any one that might differ in opinion and a habit of resorting to emotion rather than logic. These victims also concede that the consensus (on nanny state approved screens) equals truth. Divide and conquer psychological warfare.

Probably the worst thing people can do, is to focus on the gov't as if somehow only the worst collect there. Go ahead and get rid of them and replace them with all your best friends. At the absolute best, things would be no different, but most likely they would be much worse. The process would be the physical manifestation of narcissism on a large scale.
The problem with the American Government is that it is straying away from the ideals and intentions of the founders. The limitations placed by them on the ones who would seek to usurp power from the intended rulers. -The people. Why? The government is fraught with corruption. The corrupt elements are world wide. They are legion. You can call it the New World Order, lucifarianism, Marxism, Communism, woke culture or the new normal, build back better. It's all the same thing. A brain washing of the masses utilizing the hegelian dialectic- problem, reaction, solution. You can spot the victims most affected by the programing by there quick fits of anger towards any one that might differ in opinion and a habit of resorting to emotion rather than logic. These victims also concede that the consensus (on nanny state approved screens) equals truth. Divide and conquer psychological warfare.
Kind of like MAGA? I only point this out because you listed a Bingo card full of right wing propaganda words.

Also holding up the intentions of the founders might be a bit of a stretch when they had to do a lot of compromising of their values to be able to move forward with their nation building. Some of those compramises that are incompatible with humanity had to be changed.

I would be wary of thinking that people are 'angry' just because they disagree though. That seems a bit of projection.
Probably the worst thing people can do, is to focus on the gov't as if somehow only the worst collect there. Go ahead and get rid of them and replace them with all your best friends. At the absolute best, things would be no different, but most likely they would be much worse. The process would be the physical manifestation of narcissism on a large scale.
It's seems that your projecting the fact that your friends are of low moral character. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem with the American Government is that it is straying away from the ideals and intentions of the founders. The limitations placed by them on the ones who would seek to usurp power from the intended rulers. -The people. Why? The government is fraught with corruption. The corrupt elements are world wide. They are legion. You can call it the New World Order, lucifarianism, Marxism, Communism, woke culture or the new normal, build back better. It's all the same thing. A brain washing of the masses utilizing the hegelian dialectic- problem, reaction, solution. You can spot the victims most affected by the programing by there quick fits of anger towards any one that might differ in opinion and a habit of resorting to emotion rather than logic. These victims also concede that the consensus (on nanny state approved screens) equals truth. Divide and conquer psychological warfare.
I'd appreciate some context to your statement.

Were events of Jan 6 a defense of democracy or were they a violent act of insurrection?
It's seems that your projecting the fact that your friends are of low moral character. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think you're projecting a false awesomeness. I see it all the time from right leaning people that have absolutely no reason to think they're awesome. No achievements whatsoever, yet everyone else is an idiot.

Also, your post reminded me of the below...
I think you're projecting a false awesomeness. I see it all the time from right leaning people that have absolutely no reason to think they're awesome. No achievements whatsoever, yet everyone else is an idiot.

Also, your post reminded me of the below...

lol I have no idea why I do that so often myself. It is like I miss the e half the time.
“hanimmale” adds an exotic, smoky masculinity. To be paired with a Bordeaux or Hermitage, possibly a Barolo.
lol hanimmal was the outcome of me getting extremely sick of having every iteration of the name hannibal ('I love it when a plan comes together' one) come up as taken when I was trying to sign up to play online fantasy football back around 2000. I finally just typed some random shit and it took.