What do you all think of this idea?


Active Member
Hey guys, let me begin by saying I am sure this is not an original idea - but it was to me, today, when I thought of it after smoking a fat bowl....

Outdoors, the sun rises and sets slowly, right? And there is moon light so an outdoor plant never really gets 100% darkness. I read on this forum and multiple others that indoor setups with any type of light leaks can cause plants to go hermie and ruin a crop. I understand that moon light isn't "sun light" persay, its a reflection of the suns light shining on the moon then back onto earth. I am no scientist but I would assume that the light therefor loses much of its spectrum and doesnt effect the outdoor plants. With all that being said, lol, here is my idea...

I was thinking of simulating nature. Yeah I know, "tiny you're an idiot, if you dont simulate nature you would never grow weed to begin with!"... lol I said the same thing... But what I mean is actually simulate certain types of conditions that nature would provide, such as but not limited to "moonlight" with "cloud cover" dimmer to simulate the moon being blocked for complete darkness - rain fall, obviously only if certain water proof conditions are met lol... do you get the idea? For the morning "lights on" phase, instead of flicking the lights on, BOOM, and shocking the shit out of your plant, you could set a dimmable bulb at the top of the room that is automatically set to go from low-high within 30 mins before the regular lights pop on full blast. This would simulate the morning where the sun isn't to powerful and it would be a gradual introduction of light, rather than a burst of high lumenosity lol....You could even put in a mister like the grocery store produce section so give them a quick 2 second mist to simulate morning dew.

I feel like I can elaborate a lot, but being everybody whos on this forum smokes a shit ton of weed I am sure that you are understanding my concept. Play God with the weather in the grow room in a 100% sealed and drained room such as a "locker room shower" type set up...

What do you guys think, would I be wasting my time or does this have any potential?

PS: I understand u can grow dank weed with a pot, soil, an hid and a couple months - so please dont base your "waste of time" theory on that, its the idea I am getting thoughts on.


Well-Known Member
wow im the first? if you can do that i just have one question why the hell not?

when we first grew indoor we startd with the basics then elaborated a bit.. but thats the reason we grow indoor is too be mother nature i.e. cotrol it. ergo the closer to matching mother natures technique the closer we are to perfection. the perfect plant

Props tiny, do work!


Active Member
Well yeah itd be a lot of work and probably would begin any growing for another year or so Id have to get it all together but on the real I think it would be sick lol 100% sealed room just controlled by a comuter heh and thanks dude :)


Well-Known Member
Plants are just pretty much organic machines, if they get the all the nutrients they need, water, C02, O2 and light they'll grow. They use these within predetermined parameters (ie. 12/12 flower, 14/15+ hours light is veg) which we simulate in the grow room...but unlike nature we can give them optimal levels of all of the above with as few limiting factors as possible.

I dont think trying to completly replicate nature is really the way to go to be honest UNLESS it stimulates a natural action that the plant has evolved to do (ie. extra wicking of water after a heavy rain to prevent suffocation.

But if you can do things to make the plant react in a positive manner then go with them and teach us, but I dont think all the steps you intend to take are completly necessary.

Good luck tho, Im curious to see if you come up with something!


Active Member
I agree with mimicing nature as close as possible. I slowly change light cycles and do not go into complete darkness, but beyond that I really dont think you can change alot.

Possibly only using rain water for watering. I am not sure what it is about rain water, but it always makes things grow so much better.

Look forward to you finding some other things out.
It a good theory, but who is to say that the outside weather is the 'perfect' conditions? there are reasons why some plants are annuals and produce huge amounts of seeds because a lot wont survive. The conditions you create inside are much better conditions to help a plant survive. I think we can mimic nature enough without the need to try to copy it entirely. Would be sweet to have everything automated but would take some of the fun out of it imo, i enjoy doing it myself even when i'm totally baked and lazy