what do u use to sweeten your buds?


Active Member
grow a healthy plant and then starve it (try to get her to start fading 3 weeks prior harvest), thats how you get sweet buds
Thats the best bs I have heard. U dont starve a plant when it is trying to pack on weight in the last few weeks. Dont do this.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
a lot of growers swear by a faded leaf pattern . . .all rosey and yello wand slightly green at the chop . . . ive done green cut and faded cut, imho faded harvested plants are smoother after cure

but my opinoin is entirely subjective, i only base it on of the few grower si know with my strains that harvest,dry,cure different then i do

i would not reccomend it until you know your plant, starving it is bad, weening down is ok, but you have to know what the plant can take, you can fade a plant without damaging it at all,

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
This article also seems to support that. And if you stimulate the microbes, then you should probably get better growth. Thus it is easy to see results with a carbohydrate additive. Does it sweeten it? Dunno - I would rather find a naturally tasty strain as well. But again, since the carbs really feed the microbes, it doesn't seem likely because the microbes are doing what they already do only better.
Many of those microbes should be feeding on the urea and ammonia thats part of our feeding schedules, making them usable to the plant. Not feeding and breaking down sugar. Maybe a bit of molasses to get things going in the beginning of the grow. Or when brewing a teas.
But as a part of a feeding schedule or late in flower to make buds sweeter. IMO will cause more issues in the end......

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
a lot of growers swear by a faded leaf pattern . . .all rosey and yello wand slightly green at the chop . . . ive done green cut and faded cut, imho faded harvested plants are smoother after cure

but my opinoin is entirely subjective, i only base it on of the few grower si know with my strains that harvest,dry,cure different then i do

i would not reccomend it until you know your plant, starving it is bad, weening down is ok, but you have to know what the plant can take, you can fade a plant without damaging it at all,
Bingo. Know the strain, understand your feeding habits, read your plant, harvest and cure properly. Now that will be a sweet bud..........

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Bingo. Know the strain, understand your feeding habits, read your plant, harvest and cure properly. Now that will be a sweet bud..........
yup thats how i understood it

it was explained to me like this

when the plant is mature, meaning at teh end of its cycle its no longer really absorbing nutrients anyway .. . so if you time your weening down with the plants natural maturing phase you get a better tastier and sweeter plant. . . . . that will keep for a long time if kept in proper RH, along with no wasted nutrients but i dont run to waste so i waste very little always, fucking 20% run off more like throwing 20% down the drains

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I dont run to waste either. I supplement my landscaping program with runoff water. I hear ya about wasted runoff. Know your garden. Feedings with less runoff still knowing you got the entire medium wet. Just water probably a good bit more runoff depending on your feeding habits. You can flush without flushing so too speak. Use this runoff also landscaping. Again habits. Its container growing for goodness sakes! Happy Holidays All.........


funny that this reply was widely ignored...

Cannabis roots can only take in some very specific micro and macro nutrients and minerals via its roots. Here is the list:



micro beneficial (not required)

and if you want to get technical roots also assimilate water and air so you need to add:

i dont see a lot of sugars, carbohydrates, amino acids etc etc etc, on that list. But we know cannabis uses these in its cell building process right? Of course they do. but they dont come from the roots, they come from photosynthesis. so when you buy these "sweets", what you are actually buying is products that will feed the microbes, which in turn produce the above nutrients with their waste products.
spot on!........