• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What Do The Poor Owe To Society?


Well-Known Member
still waiting on that link to the Constitution of the UK....
I stated in a previous response that the UK Constitution was unwritten, which you agreed. As such no link will be forthcoming. So don't bother to ask again.

and my dismissive response shows that you just argue for the sake of arguing....
What you call arguing I call discussion; which is the purpose of this forum if I am not mistaken

Lets take public schools for one...You state because we have public schools we are giving the poor a equal stance as a rich person sending a kid to a private school...hmmmm are you not paying attention to all the cuts we have done to public education..dude we have public schools that can't even afford school supplies for the year...WTF...
When did I state that public schools equal private schools? I never did.

A public education is available to every child of school age regardless of ability to pay. Refute that.

What cuts to public education? From what I can tell education funding is increased every year. We as a nation spend plenty of money on public education. If it is squandered away by incompetent administrators, blame them.

If a school has no money for school supplies, perhaps they should not be throwing away taxpayer's money on extra-curricular activities and any other activity unrelated to the three Rs.

You also foolishly state that a poor person can eat just as healthy as someone rich....I myself try to feed my family as healthy as possible...We don't eat pork...we stay away from beef..only organic fed chicken ....mostly we eat seafood and veggies ( again organic )...dude that shit is not cheap..It would be a lot cheaper to eat unhealthy and if you don't know that then I gave you more credit then I should have...I will wait for your reply to break down the other foolishness you posted on...
Call it foolish all you wish, but it is true nonetheless. A meatless diet is much cheaper than a diet filled with trans-fats and other garbage.

I never said organic food was cheap. I said a plenty of nutritious food is quite inexpensive.

I am certain that many sound principles are foolish to you.

and please show me that link...lol
Once more. There will be no link because as I have stated previously, and you agreed; the UK Constitution is unwritten.

Got it?


Well-Known Member
When did I agree with you about UK constitution..I said you are wrong...They have no constitution now if you want to say it is unwritten then I say you are just repeating something that someone else said to make it so after others came out with a Constitution...Unwritten WTF does everybody just remember it ROFL can you recite it for me..lol..ok just type it then...oops can't do that then it would be written...lol...A public education without supplies or enough teachers is just as good as a unwritten Constitution...way to try to save face but FAILED..you really are trying to say that we have no education cuts...tell that to the people in NJ,GA,CA,etc etc.. heck you read http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=2220 . and a meatless diet can still get expensive..unless you eating canned veggies ( yuck) you paying...again FAILED ... hell its cheaper to eat just meat at times ( steroid chicken,pork, and beef), but again that would be unhealthy.


Well-Known Member
When did I agree with you about UK constitution..I said you are wrong...They have no constitution now if you want to say it is unwritten then I say you are just repeating something that someone else said to make it so after others came out with a Constitution...Unwritten WTF does everybody just remember it ROFL can you recite it for me..lol..ok just type it then...oops can't do that then it would be written...lol...
Your seemingly endless requests for a document that we both agree is unwritten goes beyond foolish.

You are making yourself look like a tool.

A public education without supplies or enough teachers is just as good as a unwritten Constitution...way to try to save face but FAILED..you really are trying to say that we have no education cuts...tell that to the people in NJ,GA,CA,etc etc.. heck you read http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=2220 .
Are you trying to say the Federal government, which has no authority in that area in the first place, does not increase education funding every year?

We as a nation spend plenty of money on education. It is simply spent badly. Refute that.

and a meatless diet can still get expensive..unless you eating canned veggies ( yuck) you paying...again FAILED ... hell its cheaper to eat just meat at times ( steroid chicken,pork, and beef), but again that would be unhealthy.
I can scarcely believe what I am reading here. Are you really saying a meat-eater's diet is less expensive that a diet of fruit, vegetables, and grains?

Healthy diets can be inexpensive. Since you are so fucking link-happy, here you go:

Now who is arguing just for the sake of arguing?


Well-Known Member
Here you go London. Maybe this will satisfy you. Probably not, but you won't be able to say I didn't try.

I knew previously that the UK Constitution was unwritten. You see, something can exist without taking on a physical form. Philosophy 101.

Since you are obviously unwilling to let this go, I Googled 'UK Constitution' for you. Something you seem unable to do for yourself.



Well-Known Member
ok you start to remind me of Crackerjax..I DON"T AGREE THAT THE UK HAS A CONSTITUTION SO HOW CAN I AGREE...IF YOU SAY YOU HAVE A DUCUMENT THEN PRODUCE IT...DON"T GIVE ME THAT UNWRITTEN CRAP...Now did you get that...it is something people say to dismiss the fact that the UK does not have one..

dude I thought you was showing me links with prices...what did your links prove..one link even says the best way to get cheap produce is to grow your own..not everyone can do that..other links just show recipes...love the one with shrimps, but shrimps can be expensive..I guess if I was to eat just beans and brown rice you would be right, but damn just beans...Tell you what go to the store and look at price per pound...you can get chicken at about .79 a lb...pears a lb 1.29....Ground chuck running about 1.99 per lbs..blueberries are like 2.99 for just 6 oz.....fresh veggies and fruits and be expensive...again just go to your store or use the internet and look at prices per pound..not can veggies but fresh..then if you want to go organic you get even higher..eating healthy can get expensive thast what I'm saying.


Active Member
Wow.. I see a lot of angst on the part of what must be poor people. What else I see, for starters it looks like I pay more in income taxes each year than the average citizen makes. Tell me that I'm getting more for my money, go on, tell me. No, rather my drive and success goes to support the worthless masses that would have rightly starved to death otherwise. I didn't use government services and money when I was homeless 20 years ago. I got a job and lived in my car and dealt with the poverty by making smart choices and working hard.

BTW, eating healthy isn't expensive AT ALL. It's actually cheaper if you're not dumb or lazy but it does take a time investment. Simple rule, stay out of the aisles at the store, stick to the perimeter. Buy grains and flour in bulk and make stuff from it. Bake and freeze your own bread, make granola, make pasta, etc... You buy a box of quick rice for 99 cents, it has 4 cents worth of rice and 12 cents worth of spices and salts in it. Make rice, add spices and salt, save 84 cents on that dinner. You buy a pack of pasta for 3 bucks, it has 40 cents worth of flour and 2 eggs in it. Takes 20 minutes to make your own pasta and it's healthier for you. For meat, hunt. I spend about 300 bucks a year on tags and licenses and ammo and gas to go hunting and for that I keep my family in pure clean wild meat all year round. I've got pig, deer, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, fish till hell won't have it, etc... It doesn't cost but a couple dollars for a good bullet and my meat is hormone and antibiotic free, low in fat, high in protein and I know exactly where it came from. Frozen veg is stupid cheap and is also riper on average than the "fresh" stuff so it has more vital nutrients that develop toward peak ripeness and they'll have all the flavor you love. Don't be lazy, be creative. As an aside, there's not that much "fresh" produce you need.

Opinion: Poor people stay poor because they make stupid or short sighted decisions. I grew up in a poor family. I'm the single most successful person ever to come out of the family. I don't spend my time sending them support or coddling them. Instead, they get to make their own way and I get to live with my success. Poverty is about effort and intelligence. Nothing else. Welfare is doing nothing for us but crudding up the gene pool.

grow space

Well-Known Member
they should be working....the poor should be doing stuff and be compensated for what they do
U must be really smart in real life eh, no kid 4 sure !
Dude, tell me how can i get some work in here where there is so many other people as well, who want the same job as u do ???!!! It aint goign to happen for all u understand that right...I have no job, put i grow pot, does that count ?!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Wow.. I see a lot of angst on the part of what must be poor people. What else I see, for starters it looks like I pay more in income taxes each year than the average citizen makes. Tell me that I'm getting more for my money, go on, tell me. No, rather my drive and success goes to support the worthless masses that would have rightly starved to death otherwise. I didn't use government services and money when I was homeless 20 years ago. I got a job and lived in my car and dealt with the poverty by making smart choices and working hard.

BTW, eating healthy isn't expensive AT ALL. It's actually cheaper if you're not dumb or lazy but it does take a time investment. Simple rule, stay out of the aisles at the store, stick to the perimeter. Buy grains and flour in bulk and make stuff from it. Bake and freeze your own bread, make granola, make pasta, etc... You buy a box of quick rice for 99 cents, it has 4 cents worth of rice and 12 cents worth of spices and salts in it. Make rice, add spices and salt, save 84 cents on that dinner. You buy a pack of pasta for 3 bucks, it has 40 cents worth of flour and 2 eggs in it. Takes 20 minutes to make your own pasta and it's healthier for you. For meat, hunt. I spend about 300 bucks a year on tags and licenses and ammo and gas to go hunting and for that I keep my family in pure clean wild meat all year round. I've got pig, deer, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, fish till hell won't have it, etc... It doesn't cost but a couple dollars for a good bullet and my meat is hormone and antibiotic free, low in fat, high in protein and I know exactly where it came from.

Opinion: Poor people stay poor because they make stupid or short sighted decisions. I grew up in a poor family. I'm the single most successful person ever to come out of the family. I don't spend my time sending them support or coddling them. Instead, they get to make their own way and I get to live with my success. Poverty is about effort and intelligence. Nothing else. Welfare is doing nothing for us but crudding up the gene pool.
U are a cold person, and u hate your family..Dont tell me u smoke marijuana also ?


Well-Known Member
Here you go London. Maybe this will satisfy you. Probably not, but you won't be able to say I didn't try.

I knew previously that the UK Constitution was unwritten. You see, something can exist without taking on a physical form. Philosophy 101.

Since you are obviously unwilling to let this go, I Googled 'UK Constitution' for you. Something you seem unable to do for yourself.

WOW you keep trying ...dude the UK has no Constitution...no UK citizen can stand before a UK court and enumerate which constitutional right they have been deprived of..but hey if it makes you feel better then you go ahead and keep saying that they do...Just remember if you ever go on Jeopardy I gave you three countries without a Constitution...America has a Consitution that when it was written it was written as a Constitution...UK does not..Now when they draw one up and present it as such then I will agree.


Well-Known Member
Horse shit. The last time I checked public education was provided regardless of station. If someone chooses to forgo an education, it is their responsibility.

Bull cookies. Public health clinics and emergency rooms are both full of poor people. No one is denied medical care due to an inability to pay. That was the law before MessiahCare, BTW.

Buffalo bagels. Why would they need to have teeth pulled if they practiced good dental hygiene in the first place? Dental care is not a right anymore than health care is a right.

No one has to eat unhealthily. If some poor person is a lardass, it is by choice. Plenty of nutritious food is quite inexpensive. Sure, it's less convenient that the Golden Arches or Church's Fried Chicken; but it is available. A strict vegetarian can eat like a king and have a food bill which is quite modest.

My grandmother grew up in grinding poverty in the Deep South. She never could understand why I was a vegetarian. To her, meat was a sign of prosperity. She simply could not understand why I would choose to 'eat like a hillbilly' as she put it.

America has the fattest poor people in the world. A large part of that world sees obesity as a sign of prosperity.

Bull squeeze. Legal Aid exists just for the purpose of protecting poor people.

Horse hockey. There are many lobby groups and special interests which do nothing but lobby for your precious poor. And every person in this country is represented.

I agree. But it is no more ridiculous than the notion that the poor are 'OWED' anything by society.

Who gives a shit what anybody else earns or has? What is your solution? Wealth redistribution? Fuck that.

The rich get that way by working their asses off.
A. Yes public education is provided regardless of station. However, the quality of this education is drastically different from one community to the next. If you are rich you can 'opt out' and go the private route. If you are poor you are most likely stuck making the best of a bad situation. A few exceptional students may be able to overcome the horrible teaching, tough environment and lack of support at home, but most will be doomed to repeat the pattern of their parents.

B. Getting teeth pulled. Good dental hygiene does not equal just brushing and flossing. It requires regular checkups and cleanings from a dentist- which cost money. If I followed your logic into the automotive world I could check my oil level and top it off when it looks low and my car will not need fixing.

C. You are so wrong about the diet. I am a vegetarian as well. You cannot tell me it is cheaper than the average american's meat based diet. Healthier? Hell yeah. But I don't think you understand what poor really is. People who are truly poor buy their vegetables in a can or in a bag. If they buy them fresh it is generally lower quality, chemically grown veggies that do not provide as many nutrients(This is slowly changing with the growing number of farmers markets in urban areas but it is still true by and large.) Poor people spend their money on calories and convenience. And most low priced, calorie dense food is either MEAT or artificially created and flavored Crap that keeps people fat and unhealthy. Even the products touted as "healthy" or "good source of whole grains" etc is chock full of high fructose corn syrup.

You or I may be abe to make smart purchasing decisions because we have the dough, or the education, or the free time to sit here on the internet looking up good and cheap ways to feed ourselves- but the average mother of 4 working 2 jobs and shopping for her family at super walmart is not in the same position.

Regardless. I do think it is possible to become middle class coming from poor roots. I think it is rare and an exception to join the 1%, without a great idea or friends in high places. I do not believe for a minute that the "rich" get that way by working their asses off. But my definition of rich may be different from yours. A person making 100k or 200k may have gotten there by working their ass off, but that does look rich to me. It looks like a contractor who might lose everything during a recession. I don't know the statistics but most of the folks I know making 100k+ came from a middle class background.

Rich people need poor people to stay poor and create the environment for that to happen. It is a simple fact. :sad:


Well-Known Member
Wow.. I see a lot of angst on the part of what must be poor people. What else I see, for starters it looks like I pay more in income taxes each year than the average citizen makes. Tell me that I'm getting more for my money, go on, tell me. No, rather my drive and success goes to support the worthless masses that would have rightly starved to death otherwise. I didn't use government services and money when I was homeless 20 years ago. I got a job and lived in my car and dealt with the poverty by making smart choices and working hard.

BTW, eating healthy isn't expensive AT ALL. It's actually cheaper if you're not dumb or lazy but it does take a time investment. Simple rule, stay out of the aisles at the store, stick to the perimeter. Buy grains and flour in bulk and make stuff from it. Bake and freeze your own bread, make granola, make pasta, etc... You buy a box of quick rice for 99 cents, it has 4 cents worth of rice and 12 cents worth of spices and salts in it. Make rice, add spices and salt, save 84 cents on that dinner. You buy a pack of pasta for 3 bucks, it has 40 cents worth of flour and 2 eggs in it. Takes 20 minutes to make your own pasta and it's healthier for you. For meat, hunt. I spend about 300 bucks a year on tags and licenses and ammo and gas to go hunting and for that I keep my family in pure clean wild meat all year round. I've got pig, deer, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, fish till hell won't have it, etc... It doesn't cost but a couple dollars for a good bullet and my meat is hormone and antibiotic free, low in fat, high in protein and I know exactly where it came from. Frozen veg is stupid cheap and is also riper on average than the "fresh" stuff so it has more vital nutrients that develop toward peak ripeness and they'll have all the flavor you love. Don't be lazy, be creative. As an aside, there's not that much "fresh" produce you need.

Opinion: Poor people stay poor because they make stupid or short sighted decisions. I grew up in a poor family. I'm the single most successful person ever to come out of the family. I don't spend my time sending them support or coddling them. Instead, they get to make their own way and I get to live with my success. Poverty is about effort and intelligence. Nothing else. Welfare is doing nothing for us but crudding up the gene pool.
did I just read that frozen veggies have more nutritional value then fresh..ok now that made me almost stop smoking weed. :wall:


Well-Known Member
WOW you keep trying ...dude the UK has no Constitution...no UK citizen can stand before a UK court and enumerate which constitutional right they have been deprived of..but hey if it makes you feel better then you go ahead and keep saying that they do...Just remember if you ever go on Jeopardy I gave you three countries without a Constitution...America has a Consitution that when it was written it was written as a Constitution...UK does not..Now when they draw one up and present it as such then I will agree.
Something does not require a physical form in order to exist.

You must have missed that day in Philosophy class.

Here is an excerpt from the link I posted for your benefit, which I am confident you did not bother to read.

Unwritten constitution

The UK constitution is often described as an 'unwritten constitution', but it is best described as 'partly written and wholly uncodified' (Budge et al, 1998 ).

It is derived from a number of sources. Its principal source is statute law, i.e., laws passed by the UK Parliament.

Statute law is particularly important for determining the powers and scope of government, and the conduct of elections.

Examples include the Act of Union of 1707, which united Scotland with England and Wales, the various Representation of the People Acts, which extended the right to vote, and the European Communities Act of 1972, which took the UK into the European Community.

An array of conventions, or unwritten understandings and customs, also surround the rules of constitutional behaviour. Although not supported by law, these are considered to be binding.

For example, it is a convention that the monarch sign Acts of Parliament passed by both Houses, and that the government should resign after losing a vote of 'no confidence'.

Constitutional authority is also derived from common law, that is, the legal principles and 'precedents' established by judicial decisions.

As a source of constitutional authority, common law has largely been replaced by statute law, but it remains important in the sphere of civil liberties, and in fundamental constitutional principles, such as the Royal Prerogative and parliamentary sovereignty.


Well-Known Member
Wow.. I see a lot of angst on the part of what must be poor people. What else I see, for starters it looks like I pay more in income taxes each year than the average citizen makes. Tell me that I'm getting more for my money, go on, tell me. No, rather my drive and success goes to support the worthless masses that would have rightly starved to death otherwise. I didn't use government services and money when I was homeless 20 years ago. I got a job and lived in my car and dealt with the poverty by making smart choices and working hard.

BTW, eating healthy isn't expensive AT ALL. It's actually cheaper if you're not dumb or lazy but it does take a time investment. Simple rule, stay out of the aisles at the store, stick to the perimeter. Buy grains and flour in bulk and make stuff from it. Bake and freeze your own bread, make granola, make pasta, etc... You buy a box of quick rice for 99 cents, it has 4 cents worth of rice and 12 cents worth of spices and salts in it. Make rice, add spices and salt, save 84 cents on that dinner. You buy a pack of pasta for 3 bucks, it has 40 cents worth of flour and 2 eggs in it. Takes 20 minutes to make your own pasta and it's healthier for you. For meat, hunt. I spend about 300 bucks a year on tags and licenses and ammo and gas to go hunting and for that I keep my family in pure clean wild meat all year round. I've got pig, deer, duck, turkey, pheasant, quail, fish till hell won't have it, etc... It doesn't cost but a couple dollars for a good bullet and my meat is hormone and antibiotic free, low in fat, high in protein and I know exactly where it came from. Frozen veg is stupid cheap and is also riper on average than the "fresh" stuff so it has more vital nutrients that develop toward peak ripeness and they'll have all the flavor you love. Don't be lazy, be creative. As an aside, there's not that much "fresh" produce you need.

Opinion: Poor people stay poor because they make stupid or short sighted decisions. I grew up in a poor family. I'm the single most successful person ever to come out of the family. I don't spend my time sending them support or coddling them. Instead, they get to make their own way and I get to live with my success. Poverty is about effort and intelligence. Nothing else. Welfare is doing nothing for us but crudding up the gene pool.

Yes I've read Michael Pollan as well. Coming from poor folk, do you think his take on shopping is common knowledge? Do you see super Walmart set up just like your average shopping mart? True, everyone potentially can make every meal from scratch, but when you are feeding bathing driving and working 14 hours a day at your $7.25/hr jobs do you think there is a shit ton of time for meal planning? I mean I only work 40 hours a week, no kids and I generally don't have time to make homemade pasta. And where does one hunt in Queens?


Well-Known Member
Oh I read it and like this reply: Britain has no written constitution.

it has no constitution at all, though many learned scholars, lawyers, historians and others have spoken of an 'unwritten constitution', i.e. a traditional way of doing things.

The kind of issues that are typically covered by constitutions in other countries are dealt with in Britain by various individual Acts of Parliament (and regulations made under them), Royal charters or simply traditions (including the common law of England as interpreted by judges over the centuries). Among various important measures in British history are Magna Carta (1215) and the Act of Settlement (1688, which esssentially limited the powers of the Crown.

But there is no fundamental domestic law, like the U. S. constitution, to limit the power of Parliament over the people. Some of the articles and amendments to the U. S. constitution specifically provide that 'Congress shall make no law....' to such and such an effect. Parliament would never pass an Act preventing itself from doing as it liked. Parliament can only be restrained in so far as the U. K. is bound by international treaties or by European Union legislation.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the response.

If you wish to break down a quote when responding, simply copy the header and footer framing the quoted post wherever you wish to make a specific remark.

A. Yes public education is provided regardless of station. However, the quality of this education is drastically different from one community to the next. If you are rich you can 'opt out' and go the private route. If you are poor you are most likely stuck making the best of a bad situation. A few exceptional students may be able to overcome the horrible teaching, tough environment and lack of support at home, but most will be doomed to repeat the pattern of their parents.
But to say opportunities, educational or otherwise, do not exist for the poor is simply not true. I realize you did not say this, but that is what I was refuting.

Do disparities exist? Most certainly. But those can be overcome.

Bill Clinton is from Arkansas for Pete's sake. He did pretty well for himself.

B. Getting teeth pulled. Good dental hygiene does not equal just brushing and flossing. It requires regular checkups and cleanings from a dentist- which cost money. If I followed your logic into the automotive world I could check my oil level and top it off when it looks low and my car will not need fixing.
To extend your analogy. A well-maintained vehicle requires less trips to the mechanic and when it does go to the shop, the price of repair is lower.

C. You are so wrong about the diet. I am a vegetarian as well. You cannot tell me it is cheaper than the average american's meat based diet. Healthier? Hell yeah. But I don't think you understand what poor really is. People who are truly poor buy their vegetables in a can or in a bag. If they buy them fresh it is generally lower quality, chemically grown veggies that do not provide as many nutrients(This is slowly changing with the growing number of farmers markets in urban areas but it is still true by and large.) Poor people spend their money on calories and convenience. And most low priced, calorie dense food is either MEAT or artificially created and flavored Crap that keeps people fat and unhealthy. Even the products touted as "healthy" or "good source of whole grains" etc is chock full of high fructose corn syrup.
If I buy processed vegetarian products, then sure, it is expensive. But fruit, vegetables, and grains are very inexpensive. Diet is something intensely personal and it is something over which every free individual has absolute control.

If someone eschews a healthy diet over processed shit, they will most likely end up a lard-ass.

You or I may be abe to make smart purchasing decisions because we have the dough, or the education, or the free time to sit here on the internet looking up good and cheap ways to feed ourselves- but the average mother of 4 working 2 jobs and shopping for her family at super walmart is not in the same position.
What average mother with four kids works two jobs? From my perspective the average single mother with four kids is on public assistance.

Regardless. I do think it is possible to become middle class coming from poor roots. I think it is rare and an exception to join the 1%, without a great idea or friends in high places. I do not believe for a minute that the "rich" get that way by working their asses off. But my definition of rich may be different from yours. A person making 100k or 200k may have gotten there by working their ass off, but that does look rich to me. It looks like a contractor who might lose everything during a recession. I don't know the statistics but most of the folks I know making 100k+ came from a middle class background.

Rich people need poor people to stay poor and create the environment for that to happen. It is a simple fact. :sad:
I believe the Liberal stereotype of the idle rich who inherited his wealth stems from a desire to justify a deep-seated hatred.

Most 'rich' people are not Thurston Howell, III. They are more like Michael Dell. The same guy who did not get rich at the expense of his employees. On the contrary, he made them rich, too. In Austin, they are called Dellionaires.

And how many fortunes and how much economic activity resulted from the hard work of Bill Gates? It's inconceivable how much wealth his efforts have produced for other people.

What do those two men have in common? College dropouts. Both of them.

The vast majority of poor people are poor because they keep making the same dumb-ass choices which keep them in a cycle of poverty.

And poor is a state of mind. I have been broke before, but I have never been poor.


Well-Known Member
WOW you keep trying ...dude the UK has no Constitution...no UK citizen can stand before a UK court and enumerate which constitutional right they have been deprived of..but hey if it makes you feel better then you go ahead and keep saying that they do...Just remember if you ever go on Jeopardy I gave you three countries without a Constitution...America has a Consitution that when it was written it was written as a Constitution...UK does not..Now when they draw one up and present it as such then I will agree.
They don't have to, they have English Common Law, its been around for 800 + years. Look up Magna Carta. Look up "Law of the Land" or Lex Terrae. Our system of Justice is based upon the English Common Law.


if u have to get on welfare, just do so, the rich are more fortunate, so like the bible says help out the poor, and dont judge them..


Well-Known Member
im more than willing to help out the poor, i donate a lot to local charities to help out families. i sympathize with the struggling because we have almost lost the farm many times due to no money coming in.

its the fuckers that have more kids to get a bigger welfare check that owe society, basically they owe society their lives, all those fucking scammers need to die, and the fuckers that use their social security or disability checks for hair, booze/drugs, fancy clothes and cars and not to feed the family. there are so many regulars at the local bar that do nothing but complain about not being able to afford groceries on gov't assistance...yet they drop 50-100 bucks a day at the bar...fuck them all.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the response.

If you wish to break down a quote when responding, simply copy the header and footer framing the quoted post wherever you wish to make a specific remark.
thank you.

If I buy processed vegetarian products, then sure, it is expensive. But fruit, vegetables, and grains are very inexpensive. Diet is something intensely personal and it is something over which every free individual has absolute control.

If someone eschews a healthy diet over processed shit, they will most likely end up a lard-ass.
True, processed veggie foods will break the bank, lol. And yes it's totally possible to eat healthy, for anyone. Many of my latin-american and caribbean friends eat healthy diets of grain, fruits, vegetables and meat. But this is not the norm, it is not the diet pushed on consumers by corporate america. The crap processed food that is out there is a part of every rich man's portfolio. Healthy poor people are not profitable. When you are poor and you grow up surround by terrible decision making and heavy duty advertising what do you think the chances are that you will pull yourself up to a higher level? We are all able to make decisions, but I don't think you are accounting for the fact children have no voice in what mom or dad buys and feeds them. Breaking that cycle at 12 or 18 or 24 is not easy nor likely.

What average mother with four kids works two jobs? From my perspective the average single mother with four kids is on public assistance.
Well I know quite a few average mothers. I live and work in the city. I live next door to poor people who are probably on welfare and in my humble opinion have too many children. But I work with people who are single parents (and dual parents) who are working 2 jobs and feeding 3 or 4 kids. But even if they aren't, when you finish a 40 hour work week where you just earned $300 and you are looking at rent, utilities, gas for your car, insurance, etc. tell me where you find the energy and desire to cook from scratch?

Our society CANNOT exist without the poor. We in the middle class may bitch about "supporting" them, but the RICH wouldn't have it any other way. Cut off welfare and see how quick the crime rate rises. There is not enough productive work in this country to give everyone a job, nevermind to make everyone even middle class! Imagine if all war ceased and we had all our boys back on US soil. WHERE WOULD THEY WORK??

The vast majority of poor people are poor because they keep making the same dumb-ass choices which keep them in a cycle of poverty.

And poor is a state of mind. I have been broke before, but I have never been poor.
I've been broke also. Not the same as being poor. I agree that bad choices help to keep people poor, but I don't think the opportunity to make different choices is as available as you think.

Is everyone capable of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps? For the most part. Will they get the chance to with everything in their life pushing against them? Probably not.

Peace :)


Well-Known Member
if you cant feed em, dont breed em.

if you collect government services you should have community service hours to complete. unless you can prove that you work 40+ hours a week..Illegal immigrants should receive NO govt benefits, and the same goes for their anchor babies.

there you have it.. problem solved..