What do I think about the illegality Of Marijuana?


Active Member
What do I think about the illegality of marijuana?

Well, for starters I think that marijuana being outlawed is for reasons that pertain to the governments interests. The government is clearly about profit and control, as can be seen clearly by its “acceptance” of alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs. It has been said over and over, and is probably the biggest defense for legalizing marijuana – Alcohol and prescription drugs have far more destructive consequences than marijuana use. However, I believe Marijuana use should be used responsibly, for anything abused has negative results. Steriotypical images of “potheads” are simply sweeping-generalizations and if we are to truly consider the issue of legalizing marijuana, we need to eliminate our desire to simply assume that since it impacts some of the population negatively (which laziness could be described as a negative I suppose) it effects everyone negatively. But, I think the crux of the matter to remember is, that those who abuse marijuana and feed into the stereotypical behavior clearly have issues in their own personal lives that need to be addressed and resolved. The point being here is that, those who are deemed irresponsible due to marijuana use are probably irresponsible to begin with and (If they use marijuana) marijuana is an assumed justification for their irresponsible behavior. I myself, have used marijuana beginning around the age of 15. During the ages of 15-17, my marijuana use was occasional (maybe 10x a year) and not near a daily habit, however it was at a point in my life when I was still confused about who I was as a person – as I seriously needed to take control of my life. And I did just that; Long story short, I am enrolled in college and my marijuana use these past 2 years (I’m 19) has been far more consecutively than any other previous years. But, my responsibility and maturity regarding my actions has grown dramatically – not due to marijuana use, but due to my own persistence and dedication to consistently improving my character. Even though I do smoke marijuana regularly, I always remind myself of my priorities and aspirations for the future. The result of this can clearly be shown through the fact that last semester i acquired straight A's and even though im far from my educational goals the point is marijuana use does not define my character, but rather my character is defined by my belief in myself. Marijuana use is just one aspect of my life, and when I am “high” I am more patient and appreciative – not that I am not when I am sober, but I am simply illustrating that marijuana use definitely does not impact me in a negative fashion. Although, I will acknowledge that for me personally, marijuana use when I am “high” does seem to affect my ability to produce work to the ability that i feel i can produce when sober, such as essays for school – but just in the sense that when I am “high” I just want to enjoy the relaxation and take a break from the stresses in my own daily life. I believe with anything in life, it is all about understanding your body and your mind, and listening to how your body reacts to situations so that you can better prepare for future ones. Though, I am somewhat distracted while under the influence, I never forget my priorities and I constantly remind myself of them. It is also the reason why I finish any coursework and simply accomplish that which I prioritize to be accomplished before I engage in any sort of marijuana use. To me, marijuana can be used responsibly if the individual is mature enough to understand their priorities, and actually care about maintaining them. You’ve probably heard it before but I will say it again, “people will use anything as an excuse in their life to justify why they have not advanced to where they originally aspired to be”. However, we are all adults once we reach the age of 18 as defined by society, and those that decide to pursue other paths in life due to whatever external/internal factors lead them to stray away from what they “believe” they originally wanted, have no excuse in my opinion to be bitter about their decisions and resort to substance abuse. Substance abuse is an emotional issue, and though I dislike alcohol personally, for the effects I have experienced firsthand with it, and the effects that are clearly documented in our own societal use of the substance are far worse than cannabis use, the fact still remains that it is the individual who misuses the substance, not the other way around. Now do I condone the use of substances? Well, that is a question that deserves more than a simple yes or no, for I believe if one decides to use a substance they need to truly analyze why they are using that substance, and if it is for any reason to fill any sort of “voids” in their life, they are probably not using it responsibly and I would never condone the use of anything that could possibly have destructive consequences to someone who is at an unstable place in their own life. The overall message I want to clearly illustrate is that, Marijuana use – although frowned upon by society due to the governments interests to keep it viewed upon in a negative fashion - obviously to make their “war on drugs” campaign seem that much more legitimate, does not, and I repeat DOES NOT, hinder an individual’s success – ONLY an individual can determine his success in his life, It is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, and using marijuana use as a "scapegoat" for why some people “fail” in life, is an irrational conclusion to an issue that is determined by an individual’s determination not something as irrelevant as his marijuana use.

Oh and on one final note.. I take breaks from smoking marijuana as well, it is definately not something that i want to be doing everyday, but in terms of using any sort of "substance" "recreationally" I would go with marijuana over alcohol any day of the week. It is a personal preference, and i want to further emphasize the message that even though i do smoke marijuana, i do take periods off but i never lose sight of my focus on attaining the goals i've set out to achieve.


Well-Known Member
Nobody cares what you think, and nobody will read that. Dude sit back, smoke a bowl, and chill. Fuck typing all that shit.


Active Member
lmaoooo this is exactly why "potheads" get a bad rap... go read and educate yourself. wow that comment is retarded.

Oh and as for your comment about "no one cares about what you think" so what exactly are you encouraging? that people dont voice thier opinions on matters? wow you sound like the government now? If people were to do as you say and not speak about anything nothing would ever get resolved and nothing would ever change.. is that the world you'd really want to live in? But i understand where your coming from i guess in a way... somedays we just dont think about things and its easy to take things for granted... but still i just had a serious thought and wanted to write my feelings about the matter =D thats why we umm got that right ... whats it called?? oh yeah.... freedom of speech.


Well-Known Member
Nobody cares what you think, and nobody will read that. Dude sit back, smoke a bowl, and chill. Fuck typing all that shit.
Dont be a dick dude... dont say nething at all and let the thread die out. :wall:... u feel better about urslf by making this person feel unwanted here...

now u got me all up tight... now im going to have to have a smoke