What Do I Do?


Well-Known Member
People are against me cuz i am against pointless threads like this one??
I have no life so i post all my problems here to get attention.

Every one what would you do

PS. THIS thread is just to point out some of the pointless threads and is an example. MOD please delete this thread when you find it.

Sorry this is just me expressing myself

Do Not post so i have another pointless thread to read


Well-Known Member
I can also find 10k other pointless thread not even located in toke n talk.....like "is this male or female" "when do I top" "what is ppm tds" bla bla bla....

start a revolution man......


Well-Known Member
Wait until the 1st & ill be happy to fulfill your wish. <3

Ryan, who would possibly be against you.!?. :) you are loved among the community I thought.


Well-Known Member
lol the funny thing is, i dont even have a problem with this guy, he just gets his panties in a bunch when he reads my threads...


Well-Known Member
Ehh this thread is better than about 53% of the other threads. Mods don't delete it he doesnt know what he's talking about.