What Do I Do With Roots?


Active Member
I've asked this question in a couple other places without getting an answer.

I'm trying my first indoor grow, and went with a simple CAT hydro system, The setup I have has 4 3-inch net pots with a plant in each site.

I'm growing some random bagseed so inevitably one is going to be male, what do I need to do to remove the male's roots when I kill the plant? The roots have all grown into a single mass and I can't see a way to get the roots from an individual plant out of there.

any suggestions?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Rip the fucker out :D now you know your lesson for the future, you don't put multiple plants in the same container unless you know what they are, and even then it's not always advisable unless identical clones.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the male roots wont harm anything
its the pollin from the male that does the damage
the pollin is located in the sacs that grow when the male enter the flower stage

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The issue being he wants to remove the male. Doing so would leave roots in the water to rot away and potentially cause some bad joojoo


Active Member
You should add h202 to your system after you've pulled out the males I believe. This is to eat up the dead roots that will be left over.


Active Member
right on, I had heard about adding H202 to the water to oxygenate it, and assumed it would help dissolve any nasties. I appreciate the help and advice.

and yeah...I'm mostly concerned about the remaining, living, roots rotting because of the dead male-plant's roots. I'll sex them in separate containers next time.

I'm sure there are other questions that, despite my reading and research, I still haven't thought to ask waiting to bite me on the ass.