what do i do HELP ASAP


Well-Known Member
I PURCHASED some grow equipment on order from local hydroshop the day i went to pick up m stuff they were raided by the cops as part of a huge drug bust how do i or can i get my money back or items any suggestions please in canada


Well-Known Member
ehhh your fucked man.

to put it nicely.. your screwed.

I mean, that's like going to get a bag of bud from your dealer, and he tells you that he needs your money first, so that he can go get it.. and he get's busted. Your screwed man.

Shit happens bro. Sucks I know.. but hey it happens.

but damn, that's some bad luck my friend.



Well-Known Member
but grow equipment is legal to posses there must be something i can do its over a grand worth of shit


Well-Known Member
you laugh i just might or to someone or everyone haha all my shit is out side just growing hydro tomatoes and lettuce right now so they can come have a look if they like


tell them its for your tomatoes, and you either want the equipment or your money back, might sound fishy but at the end of the day it has more than one use, my pal grows allsorts under his lights....loads of chillies


Active Member
you live where I no nothing about your laws but if you purchesed supplys from a hydro store that got busted for drugs?or for selling hydro supplys?either way if you prove that you use them to grow veggies you might get it back after the trial because they may be holding the stuff as evidence. good luck but it sounds like your not going to get your stuff back very easy


Well-Known Member
well it was cuz they where connected to a grow ring that was busted i may just say fuk it and buy it again from another shop


Well-Known Member
Honestly if you spend over 1000 bucks on some grow equip, you got raped anyway. Sucks to hear man, I'd try online sources for your next purchase. You might try small claims or something for your loss.


Well-Known Member
its not a rip off i was geting 2 600w lumatek ballast and a 240v power board and 6 bulbs with aircooled glass enclosed hoods it was a good deal
go read the posted raid warrant and see what department raided them, maybe 30 mounties rode in and lassoed all the shit and rode off with it, but call the department that raided it they have ur shit and there growing with it laughing at your posts


Well-Known Member
you might not be that fucked.first..try to find other people this has happened to...try for a class action law suite.if they are proven to have been doing criminal acts..you could get them for fraud and sue for the money you put in.now if they are not proven guilty of a crime they will probably reopen,then im sure the company will honor the contract you have had to purchase the items.in either situation should it be through the courts or through the company,you should be able to get your items or the cash you put into it


Undercover Mod
Just call the police and tell them to drop your shit off from the evidence locker at ur home address lol