What do I call my purple kush?


Well-Known Member
Just call it what it is named already, do not be another one of those douche bags making up fake names.........Rainbow Droppings my ass, PK is not generic.. Those cats who think so must need more than medical ganja fkin retards.


Well-Known Member
I mean this whole time I thought the strain name was the name of the weed you were smoking..I mean if I grow a Jilly Bean, and call it Holly Jolly it is still just Jilly Bean I am smoking...
Well for confusion's sake I am going to ignore the idea that the strain name is more than just the strain name...


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;7kSXdqCZgrA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kSXdqCZgrA&feature=youtube_gdata_player [/video]
thats what purple kush should look like bud! Btw I told all my patients it's called purple kush and they are very excited about it. So yeah I'll continue to call it what it is..
I took this video just for this thread.. When I harvest it in 3 weeks I'll post another video of the nice nuggs


Well-Known Member
Hey wait Gonzo was a muppet right and he was purple, well kinda so call it Gonzo's Schlong or Dong, or Schnozz or maybe Muppet nuggets. But actually I have to kinda agree with spencer that I don't really think names r made up if anything its a combo of strain that a grower made a hybrid with from 2 known strains otherwise they will bagseed for a seed they maybe got in some weed and they don't remember the strain or didn't know what it was in the 1st place. And if it seems like a place with alotta B.S and Hype I don't go back there.