New Member
What I mean is men should not be allowed to become step fathers....since child abuse is much higher with that group of ppl.
Quit messin with me!
Quit messin with me!

Thanks for posting that Duke. Me being the baby I am, I cried the first time a listened to the lyrics (how gay is that? lol) . Brad Paisley is a great person and a great musician.
As opposed to female masculinity?Of course, I represent the utmost in male masculinity. (Joke here everyone!).
Choice #3 has always made the most sense to me.Finally Occams Razor: What makes the most sense? That folks choose to be gay? That parents make there kids gay? Or that being gay is a mostly biological deal with some subtle environmental factors? I know what my vote is.
Hey, someone's gotta do it!What I mean is men should not be allowed to become step fathers....since child abuse is much higher with that group of ppl.
Quit messin with me!![]()
My audio is out again and won't come back till I reboot, so I couldn't listen to it.Thanks for posting that Duke. Me being the baby I am, I cried the first time a listened to the lyrics (how gay is that? lol) . Brad Paisley is a great person and a great musician.![]()
Because I was addressing him regarding his comment to Rob Roy regarding his son. Because he makes threads about these same subjects ALL the time.He participates in every one of these threads. He comes across as being so much more knowledgeable than the rest of us. I want to know what makes him so. I want to know why he seems to think he can tell other people how to raise their children properly. The comment he made was nothing more than a thinly veiled smear against Rob's parenting.
And when you disagree with him, you get this, in one form or attack against your intelligence. I simply want to know what makes him more qualified to decide on these matters than us. Why his opinions are more profound.
Originally Posted by RickWhite![]()
If we take nothing else to heart, we should come away with the realization that MissMeanGrean and I dare say myself are obviously much better at producing sound arguments and avoiding the use of fallacious logic. I think that speaks to ones wisdom and over all intelligence. Just maybe, the rational individual ought to hold our opinions in higher regard for these reasons alone. If we are clearly superior in this regard, maybe there is reason to have confidance in our judgement more so than in the judgement of one who consistantly demonstrates an inability to reason on a similar level.
If we were to play a little match game where you put up one story of a homosexual couple abusing children and I were to post two separate stories of heterosexual couples abusing children; who would have a mountain of stories to provide long after the other party ran out?
In other words, who would win the game?
Just to rub it in, here's my second story.
I hate country music but they do put out some good songs. That song got to me today when I was posting the link.Thanks for posting that Duke. Me being the baby I am, I cried the first time a listened to the lyrics (how gay is that? lol) . Brad Paisley is a great person and a great musician.![]()
I have thought about it, though mostly in the past.
I would NOT say the parents have NO influence on whether their child is str8 or gay, but there is really very little serious research here.
Meaningful research is partially limited by ethics. For example, if parents raise a boy in a "girly" way, giving him girl dolls, no masculine toys, etc, etc. will this child be gay? I have read some anecdotal studies and they are far from conclusive. Of course, I think it would be very unethical to raise a male child in this way.
Are there subtle unconscience "cues" that a parent might give a child that could turn them gay? Maybe, but does really make sense? Again, no real data here.
Somewhat implcit in this concept is that parents often recognize and take "corrective" action. That is, they notice that their boy is acting "femmy" and expose him to a hyper-masculine environment to correct this "defect". I have neither read, nor do I have any annecdotal stories from str8 friends regarding this.
I think that environmental factors are very subtle indeed. More related to how a child conducts themselves and certain behvioral traits.
In addition my personal observation is that certain people "look gay". Why? There is a certain feminization of facial characteristics. This is rarely observed in str8 men. It might be my hyper sensitive "gaydar" but I would say that maybe 20% of gay folks I know or have seen "look" noticeably gay. This is independent of their dress, demeanour, etc.
Of course, I represent the utmost in male masculinity. (Joke here everyone!).
Anyway, there are randomized studies where people look at photos of str8 and gay guys (only faces, and no make up!) and folks are able to an amazing degree indentify the gay guys. So there are distingushing physical characteristics going on here.
Honestly though, even if being gay was 100% a result of parental upbringing, it would not change my views.
I think it is fair to say that very few people think these days that gay folks "choose" to be gay. In my 30+ years of interacting with gay folk I have never met anyone that said they made a decision to be gay.
Finally Occams Razor: What makes the most sense? That folks choose to be gay? That parents make there kids gay? Or that being gay is a mostly biological deal with some subtle environmental factors? I know what my vote is.
WTF are you idiots prattling on about now? The only similarities between me an MissMeanGreen or what ever her name is is that we are both intelligent, articulate people who are capable of using logic. MMG is clearly British while I clearly am not - and she is more articulate than I am. Our communication styles are really quite different. That is unless you put everyone who uses multisyllabic words all in the same group. The reason my spelling is sometimes off and I sometimes mistakenly use antonyms is because I am dyslexic. I wouldn't know a British spelling if I saw it - I go with what spell check offers.
Getting back to the subject; it appears the conversation has deteriorated into nothing but insults and reiteration of the same arguments ad-infinitum.
Nobody, including those in the social sciences knows for sure what determines personality, much less sexuality. Most theories (and there are many) believe environment is at least on of the key factors. When we are discussing complex behaviors this is almost certain to be the case. Genetics can make someone a nervous person or a lazy person or even a paranoid person, but it just isn't reasonable to assume genetics could be responsible for someone loving golf, acting like a hyper-masculine trucker or wanting to be Mr. Slave. Genes simply do not work that way.
But, if you really want to see where all this "genetic cause" stuff originated read about social Darwinism, a theory that posits that a persons success in life is determined by genetics (the cream always rises to the top). I'm sure you Liberals are going to love being on the side of this theory. BTW, Hitler was a big fan of this thinking which is what also lead to the concept of eugenics - the control of the genetic makeup of society through selective breeding. He also argued that Jews were genetically inferior. Ironic that you Liberals could be arguing for the existence of genetic causes while blissfully unaware of the hideous implications that such thinking has produced in the past.
Anyway, I don't believe you want to promote eugenics, just that your logic is very simple and I would like to help you understand it.
You assume that if it can be shown that being gay is natural and not a deviant behavior, this would benefit Gays. You believe it would benefit them with regard to discrimination and that it would reduce hostility toward them. Because nobody should be discriminated against of harassed, and because believing in a natural cause is the best way to achieve that end, you assume it is the correct opinion to have. It is simple - if A produces B and B is good, A must be good. And if anyone suggests that A might be bad, that would imply that B is bad. You can not have that so you attack anyone saying A might be bad. Follow?
The thing is, this logic is over simplified. Homosexuality may be the result of a myriad of reasons. It could be abuse, it could be a failure to connect, it could be the way other kids treat a child who just happens to be effeminate, the list goes on. Now, I have no delusions about opening anyone's mind to these possibilities. At this point I wold settle for convincing people to learn how to think critically and stop being dogmatically defensive to the point where your head is harder to penetrate than a Kevlar coated titanium ball.
Lots of people have issues. Just because Gays might be among them doesn't make them bad people and nobody is suggesting that they be treated unfairly either in law or in life. Maybe, just maybe, if you could put aside your closed minded, knee jerk dogma long enough to listen to what others say, you just might find that what they are saying really isn't all that objectionable or unreasonable.
lol, who cares... we're all just wastin time here anyway....Yeah? Oh, yeah?! Well, maybe I'll just go ahead and rep you, just because your signature asks that you not be repped! Whadduya thinka that?![]()
I call BULLSHIT.WTF are you idiots prattling on about now? The only similarities between me an MissMeanGreen or what ever her name is is that we are both intelligent, articulate people who are capable of using logic. MMG is clearly British while I clearly am not - and she is more articulate than I am. Our communication styles are really quite different. That is unless you put everyone who uses multisyllabic words all in the same group. The reason my spelling is sometimes off and I sometimes mistakenly use antonyms is because I am dyslexic. I wouldn't know a British spelling if I saw it - I go with what spell check offers.