what do female stoners look for in male stoners

You know, there was this one stoner chick (those two words just roll off the tongue) and one night we got blazed and she said we should chow down, after we had been toking for a while. Well, we went to the kitchen and found a pan of lasagna with only one slice taken out. I don't remember much after that, but we got yelled at the next morning for dishes strewn through 2 rooms of the house. lol.
That is how I heard of it, but it became popular in the Austin Powers Generation. Shag used to mean pubic hair (shag carpet...both being thick and curly... anyway...) , then someone turned it in to a verb. I have been using it since I first heard it, because, well I like the way it sounds. Just like the word pussy. I lot of people think it is harsh slang term, but to me it represents a warm, wet, beautiful place.

People like different words. lol.

hahah! Yes, I see now, how could I forget Austin? I have his bed.... (that's a no sh*t, mine revolves!)
Do I make you horny baby? F'n classic film.

way more fun to go to the store stoned together to buy munchies :bigjoint:

Oh yah... munchie shopping while stoned... like a baby seal to an Orca!
You ever notice that going to a convenience store looking for grub as a lame experience unless you are blazed? I hate going in gas station stores and shit, ugh, but you smoke a blunt with me first and it turns in to an Indiana Jones movie.
After 20 minutes of staring at the Fritos, the manager finally comes over and say..."here, let me help you". :lol:

Well yeah, because you are standing there with Fritos in one hand and cheesy poofs in the other re-enacting the scene where Indy puts the heavy sack of sand in place of the golden idol.

The manager is afraid that you will run through the store soon thinking a giant ding dong boulder is behind you. lol
Hahahah... dang typing just saps my sarcasm away.... again.

I thought it was hilarious actually.... ur rep is coming soon... I'm tapped out right now....I spent it all on Fritos.
I definitely go for personality in the end, but up front, I'm still a male, which means I'm visual. Some guys don't get past that point.....some do.

I dated a very good looking chick for a little bit over a month about 6 months ago. Long story short... she couldn't hold up a conversation. I had to move on.

Only enjoyed being around her for about 20 minutes or so... :mrgreen:
Yah, I hear you there..... you can't bang each other all day...at some point there has to be real interaction.

I think we've all been there..... the smoking hot chick which drives you to distraction in the beginning, but after awhile... you want to escape!
Yah, I hear you there..... you can't bang each other all day...at some point there has to be real interaction.

I think we've all been there..... the smoking hot chick which drives you to distraction in the beginning, but after awhile... you want to escape!
dude, i think that we have all been there lol :mrgreen:

you meet a guy, he's really hot, great body etc. but the more you talk to him, the dumber he gets, and the less attractive he becomes. or the more you get to know them, the more you realize how shallow they are...
Yes, those things take time to figure out.... :lol:

Then you look for an escape hatch before the other person sinks you....
I tend to favor the geeky girls who wear glasses, etc not the typical hot stereotype.

What can I say? A girl who would not think I am a dork if during sex I say something like, "All you breast are now belong to me."

Well I don't know about you guys and girls, but I wish my girl didn't smoke. She'd smoke me outta house and home if I let her.
I gotta ration her weed or she'd smoke up my WHOLE STASH. She is totally cronic. She'll sit there and smoke joint after joint after joint, or if I'm not there, (she don't roll joints either, says she can't) or pipe load after pipe load. She's the reason why I started growing it in the 1st place. Don't get me wrong, I smoke too but I can smoke 1 of my joint 3x. I roll nice grammers, and my shit gets me nice and twisted, but I don't know how she can smoke so much, if I did that I'd be toe up on the couch. She'll smoke between 3-6 g's a day, to herself.
Tis the same thing as alcohol, you don't want a partner who drinks too much.

Have you got her a vaporizer? The high seems to last longer with that, maybe she would consume less.
I was thinking about getting 1 but they're so expencive for a good one. The stone last along time does it? Never knew that. I think she just keeps on trying to get the "E" high, she used to take E almost everyday for 2 years. I think she tries to get that same high.
I used to be a coke head and a drunk, now I drink very seldom and just smoke weed a couple times a day, she was really into E. We both stopped cold turkey and just smoke weed now
I was thinking about getting 1 but they're so expencive for a good one. The stone last along time does it? Never knew that. I think she just keeps on trying to get the "E" high, she used to take E almost everyday for 2 years. I think she tries to get that same high.
I used to be a coke head and a drunk, now I drink very seldom and just smoke weed a couple times a day, she was really into E. We both stopped cold turkey and just smoke weed now

You can get one off of Ebay for $40. It is where I got mine.