what do brits think?

What I gather from watching top gear is that people in Britain think we are all fat arrogant murderers. Granted it's just a tv show but the audience finds it very funny.

My impression of Britain is interesting accents, driving on the other side of the road and tea time. Personally I like everyone and almost all cultures so whenever I meet someone from a different country especially one I haven't been too yet Im always interested to hear what it is like, I wouldn't mind going to Britain for a bit to visit and pop in to say hi to kuroi as long as they didn't treat me horribly
The news today was the Lockerbie bomber died. It reminded me how much the Brits give a rats ass about the demise of their own people.

What, as opposed to the US, the richest nation on earth, that spend LITERALLY trillions on "defense" (read, attack) each year, yet can't stretch to offering their own citizens free healthcare?

Also, the nation that allows it's citizens to buy bullets in corner stores cares about the demise of its people? LMFAO, you ain't got a clue. Probably cos you've never left the US, like most Americans
We have the best country in the world by far even though shit is pretty fucked up now.
Hmmm...have you been anywhere outside of the US away from a resort cateringto Americans? I think not, otherwise you'd realise that your country is far from being "the best" in any way shape or form. Or, maybe not-you do appear to be stereotypically ignorant. Why exactly do you consider the US to be the "best"? I certainly don't consider Britain to be the best, everywhere has its good and bad points but nowhere is perfect.
what have the brits got lots of that the yanks havent?

Comedy shows that are actually funny, history, sense of irony, royalty, correct spellings, decent beer/pubs, Sunday roasts, decent music festivals, proper sports/decent football teams, Indian food....the list goes on. Face it Yanks, we're vastly superior and you fucking love us!
i think it's funny that the british call all americans yankees. in the US only people in the northeast are considered yankees, ironically from the region referred to as "new england".

as someone from new england, the term yankee sickens me because it reminds me of the evil empire. (the new york yankees baseball team to those across the pond)
Comedy shows that are actually funny, history, sense of irony, royalty, correct spellings, decent beer/pubs, Sunday roasts, decent music festivals, proper sports/decent football teams, Indian food....the list goes on. Face it Yanks, we're vastly superior and you fucking love us!

A mentality like this makes me hate you, besides everything you said is like total opposite. Granted it is a matter of opinion and I'll respectfully disagree
I have met many many nice americans, and in fact petty much every tourist i meet is quite charming, but god damn there seems to be an overwhelming majority of stupid though. Listening to americans argue over why they feel they should have firearms is always entertaining to hear, really doesn't help the slightly prejudice mentality of foreigners towards americans.
What, as opposed to the US, the richest nation on earth, that spend LITERALLY trillions on "defense" (read, attack) each year, yet can't stretch to offering their own citizens free healthcare?

Also, the nation that allows it's citizens to buy bullets in corner stores cares about the demise of its people? LMFAO, you ain't got a clue. Probably cos you've never left the US, like most Americans

What does your response have to do with my comment? Nothing.

Now let's see here is one reason we keep our guns. When England is invaded, again, you can beat them off with your pots and pans.

Christian News, a Lutheran journal published in New Haven, Missouri, USA, under the above caption published the following item in its Feb. 4, 2002 issue:

"In 1960, Robert Menard was a commander aboard the USS Constellation when he was part of a meeting between United States Navy personnel and their counterparts in the Japanese Defense Forces. "Fifteen years had passed since VJ Day, most of those at the meeting were WWII veterans, and men who had fought each other to the death at sea were now comrades in battle who could confide in each other. "Someone at the table asked a Japanese admiral why, with the Pacific Fleet devastated at Pearl Harbor and the mainland U.S. forces in what Japan had to know was a pathetic state of unreadiness, Japan had not simply invaded the West Coast. "Commander Menard would never forget the crafty look on the Japanese commander's face as he frankly answered the question. " 'You are right,' he told the Americans. 'We did indeed know much about your preparedness. We knew that probably every second home in your country contained firearms. We knew that your country actually had state championships for private citizens shooting military rifles. We were not fools to set foot in such quicksand.' "

You, sir, are a idiot.
Yep and don't ask us to bail out your country either!!!!!!!!!! get up stand up don"t give up your rights! Funny everyone hates American's till their country gets invaded.Haters gonna hate simple as that.And just to drop this in my grandpa died in WWII and he wasn't fighting the japs he was fighting yep you guessed it Hitler trying to protect that little island that knows it all.
Yep and don't ask us to bail out your country either!!!!!!!!!! get up stand up don"t give up your rights! Funny everyone hates American's till their country gets invaded.Haters gonna hate simple as that.And just to drop this in my grandpa died in WWII and he wasn't fighting the japs he was fighting yep you guessed it Hitler trying to protect that little island that knows it all.

brits didnt get invaded...........
ah well america is slipping down the scale and us chinese are the new super power........we going to make you eat sweet and sour dog.............
What does your response have to do with my comment? Nothing.

Now let's see here is one reason we keep our guns. When England is invaded, again, you can beat them off with your pots and pans.

Christian News, a Lutheran journal published in New Haven, Missouri, USA, under the above caption published the following item in its Feb. 4, 2002 issue:

"In 1960, Robert Menard was a commander aboard the USS Constellation when he was part of a meeting between United States Navy personnel and their counterparts in the Japanese Defense Forces. "Fifteen years had passed since VJ Day, most of those at the meeting were WWII veterans, and men who had fought each other to the death at sea were now comrades in battle who could confide in each other. "Someone at the table asked a Japanese admiral why, with the Pacific Fleet devastated at Pearl Harbor and the mainland U.S. forces in what Japan had to know was a pathetic state of unreadiness, Japan had not simply invaded the West Coast. "Commander Menard would never forget the crafty look on the Japanese commander's face as he frankly answered the question. " 'You are right,' he told the Americans. 'We did indeed know much about your preparedness. We knew that probably every second home in your country contained firearms. We knew that your country actually had state championships for private citizens shooting military rifles. We were not fools to set foot in such quicksand.' "

You, sir, are a idiot.

My reply has everything to do with what you posted, you're just too much of an indoctrinated mug to see it, blinded by your misguided patriotism to a government that couldn't give the slightest shit about you.

good little drone, well done, gold star.
LMAO, the Brits. Who fucking cares what they think of us? Next to the people of Brazil (ahem...Brasil), Brits are the most arrogant fucks on the planet. I do like British television though.
Yep and don't ask us to bail out your country either!!!!!!!!!! get up stand up don"t give up your rights! Funny everyone hates American's till their country gets invaded.Haters gonna hate simple as that.And just to drop this in my grandpa died in WWII and he wasn't fighting the japs he was fighting yep you guessed it Hitler trying to protect that little island that knows it all.

no one asks you to "bail them out" nowadays, you just go in convinced of your own righteousness and completely fuck places up. NOBODY LIKES YOU, NOBODY WANTS YOU CUNTS INTERFERING AND TELLING THEM WHAT TO DO. Get it?

Why can't the US military stay at home like the majority of Yanks?
LMAO, the Brits. Who fucking cares what they think of us? Next to the people of Brazil (ahem...Brasil), Brits are the most arrogant fucks on the planet. I do like British television though.

based on what knowledge....how many brits you met...