What did you see first?


Well-Known Member
Bro I was bothering nobody they wanna keep dragging shit out

Yea maybe I started it with bk today but that was under the grace of my friend...I was just backing my friend up

3.5 started it over something stupid insulting people for no reason
Curious George and her little pet can't let shit go this thread wasn't intended for this I wasn't bothering them
Have you always been a soft little twat? Or is it something you grew into over the years?

Get off the dope dude, seriously.


Well-Known Member
Have you always been a soft little twat? Or is it something you grew into over the years?

Get off the dope dude, seriously.
Honestly I grew into it l...as I got older I matured and grew a heart...I didn't use to be this nice...and you know I still feel bad for the shit I say to y'all and that's crazy but that's me I see good in people that peo people don't even see in themselves...I was goin to message you bro to how u were doin like a week ago but I thought nah he'll probably take it wrong so I left it alone


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Honestly I grew into it l...as I got older I matured and grew a heart...I didn't use to be this nice...and you know I still feel bad for the shit I say to y'all and that's crazy but that's me I see good in people that peo people don't even see in themselves...I was goin to message you bro to how u were doin like a week ago but I thought nah he'll probably take it wrong so I left it alone
Yea not mention I havnt been on here in probably 20 days or longer...atleast I take breaks just started getting back on here in the last 2 weeks maybe idk I quit getting on here for a long time


Well-Known Member
Too much negativity I'm good it's bad for my soul it's bad for my heart...I urge you guys to considering doin the same...make a change a positive one


Well-Known Member
Why when C2G reposted your insult did you snap so much. You posted it
She has said that same joke 100 times man...I didn't even say shit too her...ihavnt heard from here in probably two monthes...like c2g could of left me a lone a lomggggg time ago...nobody sees every single interaction I've had with these people this hasn't just happens today it's reoccurring but I'm not trying to play victim it is what it is