what did you name your plants?


Elite Rolling Society
I am completing my third GROW in a 6 Grow -Cup tank resovoir container.
Moons ago, my wife told me I needed to name them FEMALE names, to think positive. .
In my personal Grow Journal that I write in almost daily, I called them
A, B, C, D, E, F. for the 6 positions.
In Feb, my wife came up with
Abigale, Brandy, Candy, Daisy, Eliziabeth (Liz) , and Foxy .
Abigale and Daisy (damned transexuals) turned out to be trans-sexuals, and Candy died.
but AAaaaahhh,,,Sweet Liz, Brandy and Foxy!
Yum, Yum!


Well-Known Member
My first 4 Are yer mahm and her sisters, auntie em, aunt jemima, and aunt bea. My friend and I have a blast with it at work you might hear, " u need to get yer mahm out of my closet, and yer mahm luvs it when i sing to her or yer mahm needs a trim" great inside joke- but my co workers tend to think were pretty ridiculous....spose they are right though......
I gotta do that!


Well-Known Member
My favorite name was Jack Black 'cause he was in a black pot.

No what I did to him?

I left him out in the rain under my roofline. Fuckin' 20 foot waterfall obliterated that little three week old shit!


Well-Known Member
R u fucken kidding me...

Buncha tree huggers namin yer ganja Heather or some shit, u know what I call my shit? I got twins, I named one Future Ash and the other Future Cash. All their last names are Hash though.
hahaha, you can kiss my tree huggin' arse purple_ganga. my 3 plants are named beatrix, mary & jane

peace n love


Well-Known Member
lemme see,,,lol,,,theres Candy Floss,,Rita McNeil,,Eve,Cindy,,Candy2,,Delilah,,Brittany,,Lucy,,,and Gena
Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Well i named my four plants: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo, sound firmiliar? It should, those are teh four ninja turtles! My next plants im gonna call B1 and B2 after Bananas in Pajamas!


Well-Known Member
well i named mine after this years uk big brother contestants, charley ,nicky,carole.channele,and tracy