What did legalization mean for your local area?

The main thing is not having to worry about the police shooting my dogs.

Just started growing legally a year ago and even my amatuer grass is better than the dispensary lol. I hear they freeze dry their weed and add preservatives? No thanx and like $40 an 1/8? Are they fucking joking lol but yeah I love legalization, so happy and stress free these days.

Happy Smokie!!
How did it affect your prices?
Prices went up vs medical only when rec went legal but are coming back down again with the home grow crops coming in. $20 1/8th aint too hard to find. Grabbed one today in fact just because it was Pineapple Trainwreck from a cultivator i never tried.

Did it cause you to loose business?
No i dont sell weed.

Were there an abundance of growers that came out the woodwork?
I think so. Even the hydro shops sell clones and seeds now

Did it create jobs you were interested in locally?
No, i dont sell weed or have any interest in the industry as long as i can grow my own.

Generally does this hurt the home growers business or not?
We cant sell without a commercial permit and those are highly regulated. So technically "No" since we cant sell legally.
This thread is rather timely, as my state is literally voting on this today. I’ve been holding my breath for over 20 years for this - if it happens, but our legislature has threatened to rat-fuck the bill because it’s not a (state) constitutional amendment. I’m older now, have kids, and don’t have anyone to sell since moving years ago. I just wanna be able to quietly do my thing without the threat of having my life and family’s life ruined, and medicate in peace without having to hide like a criminal anymore. None of my neighbors know my “secret identity”.
Congratulations! Issue 2 passed!

And by enough of a margin that Republicans are nervous about even adjusting it!
28 states with recreational legal so far, 12 illegal and the rest medical only


Ohio voters passed a ballot initiative to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana on Tuesday by a 57-43 margin. When the measure takes effect next month, Ohio will join the ranks of two dozen other states, as well as Washington, D.C., that have legalized marijuana for recreational usage. As a result, a clear majority of the nation's population will now live in jurisdictions where weed is legal at the state level.
We are just a few years into de-regulation of cannabis. It has been shown that more people are now using cannabis than before deregulation but has it reduced the use of stronger stuff? I don't think we have a good handle on rates of use in the US. Death rates due to opioid are up but that seems to be tied to the introduction of fentanyl onto the illegal street drug scene.

The war on drugs has done much more harm to the US than good if any good came from it at whatsoever. We need ot move toward treating drug use as a health problem where it can be shown that it is harmful and not treat salse, possession use or addiction as a crime. Sensible people should work out a sensible answer. The Oregon cannabis dispensary system has been a success, IMO. I have no issue with dispensaries regulated by the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commision. It seems to be working smoothly.
I suspect one of the big drivers for criminalizing drug use, possession and distribution is that law enforcement plus the penal system are a multibillion-per-annum industry with deep political connections. Legalizing drugs would be very much against the interests of this power bloc.

Imo the way forward is state by state, with people voting down drug criminality against serious opposition by the big antidrug money.
Legalization drove the price down to the point it’s not worth the effort to grow IMO and like DIY stated. My life was built, for the most part, on the cannabis trade and pounds are selling for what an ounce was worth back in the day. I got out a few years before the legal stuff started, due to many factors, so didn’t really effect my lifestyle. 9/11 was the nail in the coffin (pun intended) for us due to the escalation of border security, it got dangerous lol.
Where do I start?... Legalization in Oklahoma was a cluster fuck from the beginning in 2018. We started a commercial op, because I knew we could cash in for a couple, maybe 3 years, which came out to be true. Early 2019, lbs were bringing $3000. 2020, down to around $2200-$2500. Growers climbed to around 9600. Prices started coming down hard in 2021, about $1600. 2022, the bottom fell out. I couldn't sell a lb. to save my life. My last grow brought $350 a lb. .....lights. out. We sold everything we had cannabis related, and got out. Here, as just a patient, you can have 6 flowering , and 6 vegging per person, per household. It's just me and the Mrs. now, but we can have 12 flowering, and 12 vegging at any point, which is plenty. I don't even run but 4-6 at a time anyways. So, if you have a family of 4, you can have 24 flowering, and 24 vegging. THERE ARE NO CHECKS FOR THIS..... the State doesn't even have the manpower to check the legal or illegal Asian grows going on. Weed is worthless here unless you got a broke stoner friend who wants some weed to come clean up your Fall leafs.
5 years after 'legalization here in Canaduh nothing has changed for me. I moved to northern Alberta in '01 with 6 hash plant clones and always grew what I wanted anyway. For the first time since I got here I don't have any living plants in the house. Thought I might be heading out to BC for a month or more so didn't start any new ones when the last ones were gone.

There's two pot stores in the little town nearest me but all I ever bought there was some CBD oil for my stepdaughter to help with her cramps but it didn't work too well. I've smoked some legal bud that friends have bought but meh.

I should get some CBD plants going at least but not feeling the urge much. I think it was more fun growing when it was illegal so I'll have to grow more than 4 so I can continue being a scofflaw bandit. :)

I never did grow it for profit tho I did on occasion accept donations for the power bill.

5 years after 'legalization here in Canaduh nothing has changed for me. I moved to northern Alberta in '01 with 6 hash plant clones and always grew what I wanted anyway. For the first time since I got here I don't have any living plants in the house. Thought I might be heading out to BC for a month or more so didn't start any new ones when the last ones were gone.

There's two pot stores in the little town nearest me but all I ever bought there was some CBD oil for my stepdaughter to help with her cramps but it didn't work too well. I've smoked some legal bud that friends have bought but meh.

I should get some CBD plants going at least but not feeling the urge much. I think it was more fun growing when it was illegal so I'll have to grow more than 4 so I can continue being a scofflaw bandit. :)

I never did grow it for profit tho I did on occasion accept donations for the power bill.

I don’t know if you saw my post on CBD plants, but I really like Cancer Blaster from Nukeheads.. 17-20% CBD. And maybe 1% THC. Most regular weed is less than 1% CBD. I really like the fact than I can’t “over do it” with this strain.. just a very nice mellow high, great for sleep!
I don’t know if you saw my post on CBD plants, but I really like Cancer Blaster from Nukeheads.. 17-20% CBD. And maybe 1% THC. Most regular weed is less than 1% CBD. I really like the fact than I can’t “over do it” with this strain.. just a very nice mellow high, great for sleep!

Sounds similar to the seeds a guy at OverGrow sent me some months back. No real name, just Dr. Seedsman 30:1 CBD. Had a lab report at 21% CBD and 0.5% THC so you should be able to use lots without getting even a mild buzz. Once I grow some out and make it into oil I'm planning to send some to a lab in Vancouver to get a potency test so I can blend my own meds using THC oil that I'll also have tested.

In the mean time I got a couple shopping bags of hemp flowers from the field down the road after they chopped it down. Probably about 6% or so CBD but near zero THC. Not something I'd want to grow but what the hell it was free. :) A little over 8lbs dry.

They leave it in rows to ret for a while then bale it up in big round bales like they do with other crops. New hemp fiber processing plant just across the highway from the field. I'd like to go when they next have an open house to see this new state of the art equipment working. It's a shame they aren't using the flower or seed.

Filled two bags like this one.


Sounds similar to the seeds a guy at OverGrow sent me some months back. No real name, just Dr. Seedsman 30:1 CBD. Had a lab report at 21% CBD and 0.5% THC so you should be able to use lots without getting even a mild buzz. Once I grow some out and make it into oil I'm planning to send some to a lab in Vancouver to get a potency test so I can blend my own meds using THC oil that I'll also have tested.

In the mean time I got a couple shopping bags of hemp flowers from the field down the road after they chopped it down. Probably about 6% or so CBD but near zero THC. Not something I'd want to grow but what the hell it was free. :) A little over 8lbs dry.

They leave it in rows to ret for a while then bale it up in big round bales like they do with other crops. New hemp fiber processing plant just across the highway from the field. I'd like to go when they next have an open house to see this new state of the art equipment working. It's a shame they aren't using the flower or seed.

Filled two bags like this one.

View attachment 5345074

I didnt test this Cancer Blaster, but I’d guess it’s more like 5-8% THC. I def get high off of it, and sleep like a rock. One thing I did notice about high CBD strains is that they don’t produce fat, dense nugs. This outdoor I finished in Sept is super smooth, no anxiety, and is a great alternative to someone who smokes cigs, and wants a healthier option.
I didnt test this Cancer Blaster, but I’d guess it’s more like 5-8% THC. I def get high off of it, and sleep like a rock. One thing I did notice about high CBD strains is that they don’t produce fat, dense nugs. This outdoor I finished in Sept is super smooth, no anxiety, and is a great alternative to someone who smokes cigs, and wants a healthier option.

I have grown strains like that the last couple of years and have all the bud saved up. Each plant is hit and miss about what you end up with but the combination of CBD and THC works better than each on their own. I want to be able to use known amounts to mix them to find the combo that works best for me. I smoke very little these days and prefer to make edibles so oil of known strength will allow me to tailor my doses. I ran out of my last batch of mixed oil and the arthritis is acting up a lot more so miss my meds. I need to whip up another batch to keep me going until I can make the right stuff. Got flies and jigs to tie and 10 rod blanks coming so need my fingers nimble. :)

My state went legal to possess but have not made rules to grow. There are a few "hay stores" around that sell "weed" for 60+ per 1/8th in sort of a grey area of the law.

Seems everyone buys their herbs there. Which doesn't make much sense because it is more expensive and the quality sucks compared to the black market.

The other thing is it seems most grows just stopped. I haven't seen a nice bud unless it came from me or my friends in a long time.

So in conclusion, there doesn't seem to be any herbs around or people growing. It also is apparent most people are happy to by weed they can't see or smell before purchase for more money than before. The same people that used to bitch about 40/1/8 now happily spend 60/1/8 but still bitch the potency isn't there or it's too dry.

Nothing has changed for me personally. I've grown for near 30 years covertly and still do.

As The Doors say....People are strange..
Planting the back 40 with a ton of feminized seed won't work too well with hemp farmers nearby and the odd male or herm in the lot, unless ya plan to turn it into concentrates. The days of cleaning seeds from your weed are gone forever, but hemp farmers can harvest the seed and stalks. We grow hemp out west in Canada by the section, not acre and I figure they will own the mass CBD concentrate market.

@ProPheT 216 , good questions and post.

Legalization in Florida was very much welcomed. I got my permit to smoke, buy and carry pot legally from a doctor, via a prescription. I told the doc that my impairment was I could not sleep well at night.

The cost to buy legal outweighs the cost of growing your own in many ways. Not only is the smoke smoother and less harsh than anything I have grown, I have a choice from about a dozen or so strains I can choose from: One for the morning with coffee, another strain for mid day and a heavy laden indica for relaxing in the evening.

The guy I get my "med’s" from tells me when a new strain has come in to sell and he is trying to get rid of the old ones to make room, and is selling the older bags at a discount.

In addition, I live in a small city and we have 4 stores in town that a buyer can choose from. For me, buying legal beats the cost, effort and nuisance of being plagued by insects when I grew my own, then having to dry, age and burp the buds.

Great post and wish you prosperity.