What Did I Do?


Well-Known Member
What did I do right, lol?

Last year I built a stealth cupboard with controlled temperature and humidity that all works very well. The first plant I grew was a huge learning curve and I nearly killed it several times. Ultimately, I got just over 4 ounces (dried) off the plant, which I was pretty happy with. I am about 3 weeks away from chopping the 2nd grow in the cupboard and I reckon I'll get 8 or 9 ounces off this one. I messed around with clones and grew some other plants so that I would have a vegged plant ready to go straight into the main cupboard when the present occupant is harvested so I could pretty much guarantee not having to buy second rate bush weed (at top dollar) ever again. I have these other plants in a second cupboard (the nursery) with 2 CFLs and one LED screw in bulb, an exhaust fan and a little fan to blow the air around. It's not humidity and temperature controlled like my main cupboard.

I'm still very much a noob and managed to kill a dozen clones in the process but I ended up taking a clone from a clone of the girl I have in the cupboard at the moment. It was in the cloning tray for 10 days and then I put it in the same hydro setup as my main cupboard so I can just change the pots over and flip the lights. At the 10 day mark, I put the clone into the pot. It really was a pathetic little thing, healthy and plenty of roots poking out of the rockwool cube, but a tiny little thing. I put it in the hydro pot 6 weeks ago and now it's a monster! WTF did I do? PH and EC don't change from week to week.

I've become a big fan of mainlining and want to do it to this girl but being a clone, the nodes are all fucked up. I FIMmed it a few days ago to see if I could get multiple colas that I could then begin to mainline but I'm fast losing control of this big bitch. She's sativa dominant Amnesia Lemon.

The three bigger soil pots are being prepped to go in the ground and of the little pots, a couple will be converted to male and used to pollinate the others.

Anyway, some pictures for your enjoyment...
