What Did I dO wrong


Sorry for the long post wanted to make sure you had all the info

Ok so I am new prop 215 patient trying to grow my first Batch. I have been gardening out doors for years but never done any thing indoors besides house plants. So Here goes I would like to know what you guys think my problems are? I have some decent pics so hopefully we can solve this.

Here goes my room is a half of a closet.
180 cfm fan pulling air from room and a small fan to move air around.
My temps range between 75 and 83
Humidity is between 30 and 45
they are 1 week old clones from the club. They were under 24 hour 400w MH(girl said they were about a week old when I got them) As soon as I got home I put them under the Veg light 250w MH with about 2 feet of space.

I had to go get bigger Rockwool since the club was out.
When I got them home I transplanted them into 4x4 Rockwool blocks.
I used ph down and soaked them for 2 hours. I used a test strip that only went down to 5.5. So I thought I was around 5.5. then back under my 250w MH light. I also used a drop or two of LIQUINOX grow http://www.liquinox.com/about.htm. So I Think this was mistake one using cheap test strips that aren’t accurate enough. I think my PH was way lower than I thought. I have a Gh test solution now. (solution was probly below 4.0 tested a different bottle a few days later)
So my second problem was spider mites, didn't come from the club though I found that my house is infested well at least the front and back yards so I expect the whole house is.
I did a lot of reading on the mites and I might of controlled them for now.
I used ortho eco since brand insecticidal soap. Active ingredient potassium salts of fatty acids. I bought hot shot pest strip to put in the closet with them I’ve just been a little scared about it. I will put it in there tomorrow when the dogs and wife aren’t around.
So I have only watered twice since transplant the first was at day 3
Day 3 watering the blocks were dry to the touch on top I had mixed a gallon the LIQUINOX grow at about a 1/4 tsp to a gallon when I first mixed up the batch for soaking the Rockwool. I tested this solution and it was 4.0 or lower so now I’m pretty sure that the plants were ph locked for a while they had spider might. I did dilute it down with water till it was around 6.0. then added a 1/2tsp of Orchard brand B-1 plant starter (I read I should of used this when first transplanted) I used about a 1/2G and had some run off that I tested it was coming out around 5.0 so way lower than when it went in. What does that Mean when its comes out lower than when it went in?
My second watering was last night day 6 I went to the hydro store and talked with the lady there she said there probably missing some nutrients the need. I Picked up some GH Flora Nova and some florablend, I plan on starting the "Keep is Simple Program" until I get a few grows under my belt.
I Mixed up what the chart said for seedling and then diluted it in half and watered the girls.
Also I just found out while typing this post the light scheduled has been fucked up also
Here’s what its been like since I got them home
day1 24hrs
day2 24 hrs
day3 24 hrs
day 3 18 hrs
day 4 18 hrs
day 5 24 hours!!!! bought a timer and the fucking directions were written wrong the directions said to operate the timer have the switch flipped to the right. in fact that’s wrong it needs to be flipped to the left.
today is day 6 and I am home hand have the timer working now so it will be 18 hrs from here on out. didn't look like plants were affected though...
But now most of the older leaves are turning yellow and some have brown spot and looks like the whole left is turning brown. I’m not sure if it over watering, nut burn or if its a deficiency. Please help
3 sad plant week 1.jpgGrape ape 1 week.jpggdp week1.jpgpurp train wreck week1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are they rooted? Leaves yellow up a lot most genetics, since the plant uses the nutrient reserves in the leaves in order to sprout new legs.

If they are already rooted, wait until the rockwool dries up a bit. you want it damp-- not wet. Once it get damp, and light in mass, add a weak nutrient mix with even number-1-1-1 20-20-20 NPK ratio fert.

it is showing either a lockout from improper PH, possible deficiency mostly N, partly P.

You want it about 500 ppm at a ph of between 5-6. (Potassium lockouts between ph 6.0-6.7 in rockwool)

500 ppm is a weak mix, typically the recommended dosage for seedlings on your product label.

Or you can try my nutes.


no i dont think there rooted yet. tonight while I was mixing some water to flush before feeding them. I Discoverd that I had the ph was low likely way less than 4 when I frist fed them. I used way to much ph down. Tonight tho I flushed with water between 5-6 the fed it right around 300 ppm (According to the bottle) with GH floranova grow and Florablend. hopefully they start to do beter I know the new growth on the top look green and is growing.


Well-Known Member
Those arent ready for soil? I havent cloned with rockwool yet but those look like they should be strong enough for soil. And are those buds forming?


Well-Known Member
now after seeing the pics you need Epsom salt for your Magnesium 1 tsp per gallon with your nutes and make sure to PH water 5.5-5.8


Well-Known Member
Now why would you recommend another website and forum while you are a guest at this one? Spamming other sites and promoting them is just plain wrong.


not worried about the mites. more worried about the health and learning whats wrong. I have heard the neem oil is next to useless. I have some soap spray with that pyrithum(spelled wong to lazy to look it up) stuff in it And I will be bombing the whole house. As for out side water and that soap spray on the veggies hope


Well-Known Member
not worried about mites? So you dont want to see them healthy? Since you believe neew is usless, I should also mention global warming is a total hoax and the Iraq war was completely legal and legit.


Frist of all I have no experience using neem oil but all 3 hydro stores said dont waist your money use something with Pyrytheum in it. I would think they would want me to spend money there right?
So today I bombed the house with a bug bomb that contains Pyrytheum in it. and about 10 min ago I used a soap spray with Pyrytheum in it. So I feel I have a good game plan with the mites...As for Global warming it is totaly a hoax. Well at least man made global warming. But Im not here to talk politics Thats a diffrent place...

I have not had them under a dome, the girl at the club said there good to go...

I flushed them with the correct ph water last night followed by a good watering with nova grow and Florablend at the seedling strength. they grew like and inch! Tonight I did the same. They are looking much beter....the same leaves from the pictures are still yellow though what should I do about that.
AZA MAX FOR MITES AND as for ya clones in rockwool ..hope ya presoaked the cubes in 5.5 so ur cubes are a stable 6.5to 6.8 since rockwool is so high in alkaline ur ph is way high if ya dont pre soak with a lower ph like 5.5 ..hope it helps ya