What deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Without reading through all the previous replies I would say give it a lot more light. Getting stretchy, light will beef it up considerably.

And some N to boot, it is going to want to grow now.

Drop bong

Active Member
Hi guys thought I would just post a update.

I am now day 46 of flower just 5 more days til chop. I haven't got a microscope but have read about c99 and she should be done by day 49.

The problem I had with the leaves never really went fully away and has slowly worked its way up the plant but only the older fans. I have found it hard to keep my nutes right as I just stuck to the schedule and couldn't find the right info about when yellowing of fan leave will happen on a 7 week strain. The buds look healthy and ok in size. Next time I will find my own balance for the strain slowly raising the strength until it is looking right.

I have chopped some small buds and tiny popcorns which I estimate to be a daughter dry. Yes this are quite early(I chopped them day 44) but I have ran out of bud and don't have the cash for another Oz. I had some nice blues that wasn't couch lock or head high so didnt feel totally stoned but made me laugh so much, add that to the bank holiday weekend and the result was me smoking the oz in a week when I needed to actually cut down and make it last 3.

The taste was poor yesterday but some I have just hung for 1day then quick dried is getting some taste but still not weed tasty.
The high is bizzare, I don't feel stoned most of the time but then some bongs make my body sag but not in a couchlock way, I feel a rush through my body and mind but not screwed up....more focused i'd say. This morning we had 2 jays in about 2 hours and 3-4 bongs each and I popped upstairs to check on the plants ,thinking they seemed a little weak. When I came back down stairs I noticed water on the floor, stuff knocked off the table and the bong on the floor. I asked the mrs what happened thinking one of the cats knocked everything over........turns out she can't remember, she remembers having a bong and then she was kneeling in water, with stuff all over the floor. THIS STUFF IS KNOCK OUT GRADE .....literally. I've had quite a few people faint from smoking too much I used to get like that often(normally when I'm pissing and can't stop or sit down....I have never fainted or puked though just been very close including spinning and sweating lol). however this is normally after a lot of weed has been smoked and my mrs is no lightweight smoker ie last weekend we had about 10 shared jays a day for 3 days and probs 20 small bongs each of blues(Hence no weed).

Turns out I don't like sativa, if I ain't monging I'm not properly stone in my mind. I don't believe I've had many a true sativas in my area so just doesn't feel like I've smoked weed if you know what I mean.

Yeild looking wise I couldn't say at all. I have some tasty large chunky colas and some normal ones a lot of small ones too. I useless at weights cause I buy by the oz most of the time broken up. I have been worried as I took what thought would 4-5 days off but I'm nearly out again now but then I remember I have smoke quite a bit of it so I may have anywhere from 1-2 oz per plant unlike the worring 1-2oz for all 4. They are 24" tall so never really streched for me. I will post some pics tomorrow.

Thanks for the help again guys, ps I have had 10 seeds so far but that was all from 1 branch- fingers crossed it is the only 1.


Well-Known Member
When the leaves droop badly from not watering early enough, they die sometimes. forgeting to water or watering not frequently enough will leave your plant leafless.