what deficiency is this?


Well-Known Member
I have a few leaves that are looking like this one and a few more slowly advancing to this.

You guys have any idea on what is causing this?



Well-Known Member
yup, ppms are 1330. I'm dialed in it seems because its been steady like that for a week give or take a few ppms. not sure the calcium nitrate ppms are but my tap is 65ppms. miracle grow all purpose ( 24-8-16) and some green light root stimulator that is 5-15-5 since the plant is in flowering. my lighting is 1000w hps.


Active Member
silly question, but have you checked for bugs? how clean is the room? water should be around 180-220 ppm with out any fert. you should look into a cal-nit. additive... other than that, how long have you been at it? you might want to consider switching to organic mediums and fert. it will help in the longrun as far as taste is concerned. let me know about the rest though.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I got spidermites but I don't see any on the trouble leaves but maybe they might have attacked those when the plants were in darkness.it has been a constant battle for the past few days. I'm in late flowering and I really can't spray neem oil on them so all im spraying on them is some weak soapy water. I don't really understand how they made into my bedroom closet in the first place. I have been growing for a while but this is going to be my first complete grow as my last one had to be shut down early. yeah, I was using organic nutes in the beginning but ran out ( no money) so I used what I had around the the house.