What could this be help please?


Active Member
Hi guys , got 8 plants growing the strain is big buddha blue cheese and they are currently 6 week old and some of the bottom leaves have started too fade like a light yellow colour just wondering what this could be my temps are running around 75 - 77 and my humidity is kept around 45 - 50% lighting distance is 18" from the tops they get fed every 2 days when the leave are dropping and the pot feels light but they have only had 4 feedings with nutes at a 1/4 dose throughout the 6 weeks could this be lack of nutes? any info on this will be much appreciated , thanks KC

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Well-Known Member
Looks like they could use some nutes, specifically some N Any reason why you haven't fed these big girls more? I have no issue with using 1/4 strength nutes, but I'd feed them twice a week, or every other watering. That's just me :joint:

Other than the yellow leaves, they look healthy :mrgreen:

Good luck

R2T :peace:


Active Member
Hi rold2tight thanks for the reply , the reason why they didnt have that much nutes was i was worrying about nute burn as its my first grow and i got most of my knowledge from forums and just went for it , what would u recommend at this stage they are taking 2 litres of water each and on the nutrient bottle it says 7ml to every 1 litre im only giving them like 2ml each litre u think i should up to 4ml? thanks again


Active Member
thanks guys for the replys , and yes i bought the pots like that there called "Airpots" get them from most hydroponics stores they work wonders for your root system :)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys for the replys , and yes i bought the pots like that there called "Airpots" get them from most hydroponics stores they work wonders for your root system :)
Dude.....i don t mean to be an annoyance, but you might wanna change your username! I'm guessing that it isn't a quirky nickname!

Plants look dope, listen to the dudes on here, most of them speak good sense! Those airpots are fucking good too!

I learnt how to grow some chronic green on here, just started a mushroom cake too!
