:: What could I be doing wrong? ::


Active Member
Light cycle: 18:6
Water cycle: 15min each Hour

This was yesterday:


This is today:


What could be the problem and if there is on how can I fix it?

O, here is my temps:



Active Member
I soaked the clay pellets overnight and cleaned very well. Right now I was told to just make sure the pH was at 6.0 and not to use any nutes just yet by the guys at the hydro store


Active Member
I dont have a way to test my ppm at the moment, so what would be a good measurement of nutes for 12 gal of water?


Well-Known Member
wait wait wait.. if hes using DWC... there shouldent be a feeding timer... the roots are always in the water so no feeding timer is needed...

No nutes yet... its not necessary at the size of your plants... They will grow plenty without nuts for the first few weeks brother!

I don't feed my plants until there on there 3rd 4th set of leaves. Stress on your plant at early stages can kill them very easily.
(My clones currently are in a Humidity tray with holes in the bottom placed inside another tray of equal size... I put in 2 air stones and a strong air pump
to keep the air super oxygenated. They have been on just 5.5 water for 4 weeks now)

I'll show you a pic later, there all about 3 inches tall 3-4 sets of leaves with 4-8 inch pink and fuzzys,
One other thing brother! GET A TRIMETER! Flying blind in hydro is just not a good idea... Between PH fluctuations, PPM Fluctuations, and all this
other stuff not being educated on the conditions your plants are under can prove to be fatal to them!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
^^ Totally right ^^
No food for first 2 weeks
In DWC you should have the air pump on always, and the water pump recirculating the res nutes every 15 min would be ok - IF thats what you meant by having the timer set for 15 min every hr.
If you are using ebb n flow, or aeroponics, then that is much too often for feeding, and you are killing them. aeroponics can be done slightly more often than ebb n flo, but not much.

Also ur plants do not have established roots systems.. so unless you are top feeding them AND spraying them for the first week, then they are not getting jack shit.


Well-Known Member
I've read posts claiming that you should run your pump in every different schedule that you could imagine so why is this one "absurd"?

on his post it says water cycle 15 mins every hour. thats not right. if your talking about a swirl pump why not just leave it on all the time. did the misspelling of absurd bug you lol


New Member
There is a video on youtube that is how to grow weed or how to grow green, the main guy is painted in green. Watch that, very educational. I would post a link but not sure of forum rules :-)
posting a link to that is ok just not to other weed forums
post away bro
and thanks for helping