What CFM fan should I use for 4x6x6 room?


hello my riu dudes,
Hope the week is going swell. As you can see from the title, I've got a 4x6x6 grow space and I've the calculated the volume and it's only 144 sqft. The fact that the carbon filter will cut down on the efficiency of the fan makes me want to lean towards at 400 cfm fan/carbon filter combo with a speed controller. Possibly the 500 cfm if necessary? Just want an opinion from you guys before I pull a trigger. Any articles or links to some good brands/products you guys know would be greatly appreciated as well! Thanks guys.

Nothing? I'm really wanting to place the order today so opinions from you guys before doing so would be appreciated!
Minimum of a 6" inline blower . Imo, it'd be better with a 8".

The 6" runs about 400-430 cfm. The matching carbon, about 400cfm. The 8" is over 700cfm. The 6" would have to be ran at a higher speed then the 8". Probably full speed.

6" will do ok. The 8" is a turbocharged 6". The 8" offers more flexibility.
Minimum of a 6" inline blower . Imo, it'd be better with a 8".

The 6" runs about 400-430 cfm. The matching carbon, about 400cfm. The 8" is over 700cfm. The 6" would have to be ran at a higher speed then the 8". Probably full speed.

6" will do ok. The 8" is a turbocharged 6". The 8" offers more flexibility.
Alrighty that sounds like a safe bet to me, could you spare any knowledge on the noise level these inline fan/carbon filter combos might make? I'm talking in terms of outside the room or tent it's in. I'm actually not even growing in a tent, but a wooden grow box with plywood on sides so I figured that will mute sound a whole lot more than just tent walls?
Alrighty that sounds like a safe bet to me, could you spare any knowledge on the noise level these inline fan/carbon filter combos might make? I'm talking in terms of outside the room or tent it's in. I'm actually not even growing in a tent, but a wooden grow box with plywood on sides so I figured that will mute sound a whole lot more than just tent walls?

A 8" blower with a 8" carbon is LOUD. Lowest speed and it's a fairly high hum. I have mine mounted in the attic. The attic insulation was raked up and mostly covered the blower. Then It's wrapped with a foam, army sleeping bag, pad. On top of that it's then covered with an old living room area rug I found. The blower and filter are mounted to a square of plywood that's sitting on top of packing foam. The translucent white foam sheets the carbon filter was shipped with. None of it comes in contact with the ceiling joists. When it did, the vibrations could be felt in the walls. You could also hear a light hum coming from the outside attic vents. Now, it's difficult to hear. Not to say you can't hear it.

The other LOUD part of the system is the duct going from the blower to the tent. I have a 8" elbow with a 6X8 reducer. Then 6" duct running from that to the tent. The duct isn't insulated. It sounds industrial.

I've done things to mask the hum of the system. The AC window unit helps a lot. I also keep a radio on in an adjoining room. It's enough white noise to mask the blower. Until you go into the room where the tent is at. The whooshing sound from the air movement is pronounced.
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