Gregor Eisenhorn
Well-Known Member
Although... shit, I let the water level drop more than I wanted to and it;s been five days since I last used chloramine... I re dosed it today but could there be bacteria in my reservoir that's causing pH drops?
Same issue, shut down Co2, reschange out, dropped ppm. Same shit different day lol. I don't think it's co2. I'm thinking too much N. I've rent the same res water for nearly three months with Co2 and no issues then like turning on a switch ph starts bottoming out. I'm gonna try cutting way down on N next. Let me know if you find a solution and I'll do the same.I'm having the same problem, although my ppm's are around 680-720. Ph starts at 5.8, wake up in the morning and its at 4.1. ppms drop very very slightly. But this is reoccurring everyday and I can't figure it out. Maybe as said in the above quote salt build up? My water is super hard (210ppm). I have been using h202 thinking bacteria maybe the culprit, but hasn't changed anything. I'm also running 1500 ppms co2, I've read somewhere it can drop into your res's and drop the ph? Any thoughts? I'm week 4 flower, recirculating hydro.
No you are ok. It is natural for the PH to rise usually untill about week 4-5 in flowering then the PH starts to drop. Nothing to worry about that means that everything is ok. Just stay on top of your PH and dont let it get out of line. I have to adjust mine to raise it every time in that stage of flowering.
Same thing happens to me in all my hydro cycles. I'm in week 5ish and yep, the PH drops. Before this point, it would always rise. It kept happening regardless of what I did to my system, so now I just expect it. When it gets to this point, I basically keep my top off rez at 7+ ph and more or less it helps keep the ph in the system constant. At this point, I will also bring my ec down to about 1.0, they seem to like it better at this stage in flowering.
By day 10, are you referring to day 10 of flower or day 10 after rez change. Must admit if I add PH down it will always go down.U change the rez about every two weeks fartoblue? U ever notice around day 10 that the ph of youre DWC rez doesn't like to go below 6.1 even when u add ph down. I wonder why?