What causes leafs to curl up at the edges - HD Pic inside


Well-Known Member
Does the left right thing correspond to where your lights are?

Maybe your circulation fan?

Some other thing like that, an obvious difference in environment.

With leaf cupping and no obvious burn, I usually think heat and humidity.
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Well-Known Member
It's probably just a different pheno than the other one, or your fan is hitting it in the ricochet of your wall or whatever and causing it to protect itself.


New Member
Does the left right thing correspond to where your lights are?

Maybe your circulation fan?

Some other thing like that, an obvious difference in environment.

With leaf cupping and no obvious burn, I usually think heat and humidity.
Not light correspondence.

I think its enviroment too

It's probably just a different pheno than the other one, or your fan is hitting it in the ricochet of your wall or whatever and causing it to protect itself.
Maybe genetics yes, many of them do it whilst many do it, perhaps some are more reslilient.

I am still wondering if heat is the likly cause