What causes branches turning upside down?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys just curious if this is some kind of heat stress?
I have four plants that I have just brought outside to start flowering three days ago. They were under a 600w mh. Its only 28-30* outside and today is semi overcast 65% humidity. There last watering was three days ago and they are still moist so I dont think its over Or under watering.
Any ideas? Thanks 1521507881563782729061.jpg1521507959820-12914589.jpg


Well-Known Member
I dont know myself sorry. That's a first for me too.
I reckon you're on the right track though. Maybe its light? If you've had all blue, then suddenly, have put it outside.
If it was me.
Id try putting it back, under your metal halide, for a day or two. Make sure the humidity is in range. See if they turn back over.
Have you got a way of measuring humidy, outside. Over 24 hours?
Im thinking, if you put them back under the 600mh. At the right humidity, and they perk up. Then it has to be something, from outside.
If you had a hygrometer outside, and the readings checked out, then it'd have to be the sunlight.
In which case. Id just give them half a day, outside, at a time. Until they "harden off"
Maybe check your mediums ph too. Imho it looks a little high.
All the best, hope it helps.
Keep us all updated.
Love to hear, if you find what it is :P


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for your replys. I moved one into full shade and gave it some foliar watering. Left the others in full sun to experiment now by mid afternoon the one in the shade has perked back up straight and so has one that was in full sun. I guess the morning sun was just very strong and they turned away for awhile. I think they cant absorb enough water through their roots water quicker than they are transpiring through the leaves, lots of leaves in a small pot (12l). 
First one was left in the sun and second photo in the shade. Ph is 7 so Im asumming it was the heat.
Interestingly though there is a big storm building today and were due for 50mm tommorow.
Hopefully they all perk back up before they get transplanted to their 30gallon home.
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