What can I use the get rid of root aphids

Trying to find out for my girlfriend plants she got them bad and I don’t know wat to do I never ran into any bug problems


Well-Known Member
Trying to find out for my girlfriend plants she got them bad and I don’t know wat to do I never ran into any bug problems
I've never read a happy ending involving a bad aphid problem ;[ be sure you heavily research any suggestions and the stage the aphids are at before spending money.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Trying to find out for my girlfriend plants she got them bad and I don’t know wat to do I never ran into any bug problems
Pay attention here a minute.

BotaniGard works 100 percent for sure. Pretty sure organic certs as well. 2 waterings at 20 ml per gallon.
In reality, it has a 90+% kill ratio.

Imidacloprid. (Mallet is the brand I have on the shelf, takes 0.5 mL/gal) Root drench and foliar application, don't use in flower.
Imid works for this as a root drench. Since the bugs only attack the roots, and the Imid is systemic. Foliar spraying is not needed at all.

Ok, these fuckers are a shear bitch to get ride of......BUT, I have heard that Imid is a one and done killer.
Imid has another problem with it's use in cannabis. It makes the plant put out the stress scent that attracts mites.....BIG TIME..... You risk a major mite infestation......Doesn't happen all the time but, when it does. They hit hard.
I have not had the need to try Imid but, in my only attack from root aphids...
Found that a rotation of Botaniguard and Orthene 97 works well... Root drench with Botaniguard at the mix for Fire Ants - Then 7 days later. Same thing for the Orthene. This is also called Acephate 97

Good Luck as these are the Borg of the growing world..

MASSIVE and COMPLETE sanitization of EVERYTHING in and around the grow is needed after the second hit.....Otherwise, they just keep coming back!


Well-Known Member
Trying to find out for my girlfriend plants she got them bad and I don’t know wat to do I never ran into any bug problems
Lay uncooked french fries or potatoe slices on the soil tops

the worms are attracted to the smell remove daily

avoid over watering ..better to buy in quality soil mix

hanging yellow card above smear with veg oil

does wonders too

good luck


Well-Known Member
Found that a rotation of Botaniguard and Orthene 97 works well... Root drench with Botaniguard at the mix for Fire Ants - Then 7 days later. Same thing for the Orthene. This is also called Acephate 97
Man that orthene stuff really stinks doesn't it. lol I have a can of it, and never used it, thought I might have to sterilize my rooms with it once after an aphid attack. I opened that can and just closed it right back up lol. I was like, no way I am gonna spray down my rooms with that shit. Fortunately they never came back, the imid took care of them and I kept up a preventative approach for sometime to make sure there were no easy meals for the little bastards.


May I ask how long it took for the stench to go away when you applied it?

Grow for fun only

Well-Known Member
Well pulled 60 grams of the Pandora Widow first seed to harvest. Now curing at 62%RH grown with sp150s in a marstent. Got another on the way right behind it.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
less t
Man that orthene stuff really stinks doesn't it. lol I have a can of it, and never used it, thought I might have to sterilize my rooms with it once after an aphid attack. I opened that can and just closed it right back up lol. I was like, no way I am gonna spray down my rooms with that shit. Fortunately they never came back, the imid took care of them and I kept up a preventative approach for sometime to make sure there were no easy meals for the little bastards.

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May I ask how long it took for the stench to go away when you applied it?
Less then 24 hrs.....I mean, it didn't smell the next day. I use the Acephate 97 WP - The WP means "wettable powder".....Yea it stinks but, once mixed....It doesn't..