What bug is eating my leaves

Fender Guitar

Well-Known Member
Pick them at night when they are active and kill them.

Place bowls full of beer around plants because slugs love beer and will drown while trying to drink!

Spread sand, egg shells, lime,etc around plants. Snails have a hard time getting over these sharp materials.

Wrap copper wire around bases of stems. Snails get an electric shock when trying to cross copper.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering as I don't remember there being slugs like this in past years but I live in the valley its already hot as hell shouldnt the slugs die out soon any way from the heat


Well-Known Member
Put some beer traps for those cunts it will take both em out caterpillars and slugs. Put some copper metal around stalk they shocked when touching the copper metal


Well-Known Member
Grasshoppers brooooo
You will have to put up with them till you start to flower..then they back off. Manually grab them and body slam them to the ground and smash em


Well-Known Member
Naaa Ive tried about everything..you really have to stay on them . Last year I slacked for a week and there were so many of them they started to eat my top shoots at the stem. But if you dont see anymore damage it was probably just a drive by munch. I had 40-6ft plants..I was in hopper hell for awhile