What bills should I use when buying weight?


I know when people pay me for sacks with 1s I get pissed, when I'm buying QPs, HPs or LBs, what bills should I use?
Are 100's bad to use?
Is 50s or 20s better?
and I used like 4 10s last time, is that like the 1 dollar bill of weight?
I know when people pay me for sacks with 1s I get pissed, when I'm buying QPs, HPs or LBs, what bills should I use?
Are 100's bad to use?
Is 50s or 20s better?
and I used like 4 10s last time, is that like the 1 dollar bill of weight?

Eh, money is money bro, i have a friend that hates getting paid in ones...so what you think i pay him with every time, rofl. I could see not wanting a few hundred one dollar bills, but shit better than quarters, no?
20's and up, some 10's are alright... the higher the bills, the easier it is to count. I've gotten hand cramps in my left hand before trying to count fat stacks with a lot of 20's or smaller bills. Hundreds are always best if possible :)
I prefer checks. With clowns printed on them.

funny you say that, i had a guy try to give me a personal check for 1100 dollars in late december last year for a qp and he wrote christmas trees in the memo lmao... As i laughed at him and tore the check up, i told him to hop in the car and then took him to the bank to get the money out.
i pay for weight in 20's.i stash 50's and hundreds and i spend ones and fives and 10's on coffee food and gas. no one wants anything smaller then 20's for anything especially weight. dealers would prefer the 50's and hundreds more but for the same reasons i do... You start to feel a little uneasy when you find your self depositing large amounts in 20 dollar bills at the bank on a regular basis.

Small bills are disrespectful, it's basically like saying "I was to lazy to stop so here, you can go exchange this ". Im not gonna take time to go to a store to exchange bills for every person who drops ones, fives and ten's in my lap. so they sit around and add up till it's worth the trip. And then im the one standing in the store with bloodshot eyes buying a dutchmaster a box of bag and oh yea i need to exhange 400 in ones and and 200 in 5's. Not the worst dilemma to be in but a dilemma none the less...

i feel there are some exceptions... A stripper paid me 320/400 in singles once ...i had nothin to say
100's, 50's, 20's and 10's work for me.. I get a little iffy on 5's and lower.. :) But hey.. speaking of money has ANYBODY seen a bill minted after 2006 in your stacks ever? Not me..
I like the coment about having a counterfit pen marker... lol

When I USE to be involved with weight 20's were the king, spend them anywhere, easy to deposit... 50's too high 10's too low.... although $2K or more takes a very long time to count in 20's....
if your buying real weight only use hundos

i HATED having a fat wad of cash and feeling loaded then counting it out forever only to realize its only $237 or some BS
Don't buy weight with weight. Keep it light. If you're passing $10s it better be because that elbow was priced at an odd number.

Oh, and it only takes like 45secs to count out 2k in $20s if you have any sort of cash handling skills. It's not horrible, but unnecessary math.
back in the late 90's people used to give me change for LSD, it was 3$ a hit tops thou lol

Anyway when buying elbows I use nickles and pennies mostly jk
give me the c notes.

i'll take any variety of the federal reserve notes tho. i just hate when its so much 5s 10s and singles tho.
i twisted my wrist the other day countin a stack of 10s.
100's, 50's, 20's and 10's work for me.. I get a little iffy on 5's and lower.. :) But hey.. speaking of money has ANYBODY seen a bill minted after 2006 in your stacks ever? Not me..

of course not, it all went into ceo's pockets :P twas a great scheme to borrow that much cash to invest and double it then pay back what was owed.