What benefits do nutes REALLY have??


Well-Known Member
Hey I was sitting here smoking a bowl and reading a little and I got to thinking.... what effect on final yield do nutes REALLY have on a plant? I'm sure there have been experiments by some of you out there on this, please share! I use FoxFarm nutes on everything I grow just because I heard it was a good idea. I was wondering how cost beneficial they truly are. Like, if I grew two identical plants in the same way aside from adding nutes, how much final bud weight will this yield? 1/8 oz? 1/4 oz? More. I suppose at about 1/8th of an oz. you'd earn your money back, but still.


Well-Known Member
that is a good question, personally i haven't the experience to add any great insight but when i chose to use nutes i just envisioned that they'd help so much more than just a plain watering.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well look at it just like this. You see people in America who eat all day and get a variety of food and water ie nutrients and get to be 600lbs.In ethipia they get little to no food and water and are fraile and sickly but survive on just enough to get by ..sometimes..Thats the basis of all life. In abundence and balance life thrives whne the conditions are less then perfect things have to sacrafice and suffer.So take a look and see good food, water and care can get larger longer living beings..life with less availiable has to adapt and is smaller weaker, tired..Its all realative of sustinence verse death


Well-Known Member
its not the nutrients that make people overweight, it is the fast food and fat and toxins they eat.. people who eat a well balanced diet with good nutrients "veggies" are slender and vibrant.. so yes u want ur plants to be vibrant and healthy so use nutes,,,