What beans are you popping next?

legal grows still get robbed by fuckboys. do yourself a favor and put up an ADT sign and a beware dog sign as well as rodiron windows and you'll have a 90% less chance of "randomly" being robbed without the extra cost of having a guard dog or security system
That's true a neighbor down the road got into a gun fight with 2 armed robbers in the middle of the day in my legal state.
He was able to chase them off, but their faces and vehicle were all documented by his surveillance camera.
The police posted online wanted posters of the two douche bags and they were caught and charged with robbery and attempted murder.
I think we are about 6.5 million. But, it only takes one to screw you up. Every bust you see, they show the whole plant with all the leaves and if they mention a weight, it is either an estimate or the total bulk. The proposed bill doesn't distinguish wet from dry or stalk from flower. It all counts when a cop raises their hand in court.

I can personally verify that.....at least, in 1990. When 'this guy"'s case was called, the back doors of the court opened, and several deputies came in carrying a 1000 watt light, and bags of plants. Included, was the waste buckets of dead leaves, stems, and debris accumulated over a couple of grows. The cop on the stand, testified that the total pot seized was well over a pound, which surprised the defense attorney [ who was extremely ignorant about pot ]. The attorney leaned over and whispered to the defendant, " You said there was only 6 - 7 ounces max. ", to which the defendant explained "buds" vs unusable material, using the tomato plant as an example.

On cross examination, the defense attorney asked the vice cop, ' Detective ______, isn't the marijuana plant much like a tomato plant, in that only the flower buds are used, and the rest discarded? ' -- [ the defendant thinks to himself, "I'm paying 2 grand, and I have to tell him what to say!" ]. Without hesitation, the cop answered, "No, that's not true at all. Dealers grind up the buds, leaves, and stems to maximize their product, and maximize the money when they sell it."

The defense attorney, at that point, believed his client was a liar. It was only because the prosecution could not produce anyone who had bought from 'this guy', that the cat didn't receive a felony conviction w/ 25 years maximum sentence. Instead, the 'intent to sell' was dropped, and the cat was convicted of a misdemeanor, receiving the 'max' sentence of 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.


You are more then right. just takes a vengeful girlfriend of hers mention, or them to say .. you know such and such is husband is growing. Then they go " oh really:fire:" lol.

The first page of Ed Rosenthal's 1980's instryction book on Indoor Marijuana Cultivation began with a paragraph that said essentially - 'Marijuana is illegal to grow and posess in every state in the United States. Should you choose to grow, exercise this rule without exception - show no one your grow. Period. Friends, wives, and girlfriends often become ex-wives, friends, and girlfriends, with axes to grind.'

Still the best advice to this day. If they never see it, they can't testify as a witness.
The first page of Ed Rosenthal's 1980's instryction book on Indoor Marijuana Cultivation began with a paragraph that said essentially - 'Marijuana is illegal to grow and posess in every state in the United States. Should you choose to grow, exercise this rule without exception - show no one your grow. Period. Friends, wives, and girlfriends often become ex-wives, friends, and girlfriends, with axes to grind.'

Still the best advice to this day. If they never see it, they can't testify as a witness.
Been there and done that.
Best advice to keep a grower free and out of jail.
Loose lips sink ships, we use to say!
IMG_0206.JPG What do y'all think I should do next right now I just popped 2 meatbreath 2 peanut butter breath and 2 Sophie's breath from thugpug genetics I'll pop like 4 to 6 more next month or so what should it be right now I mainly run super glue og from king klones and am currently testin a few DNA tangie phenos a few phenos of the sweeties from archive 1 blimburn og and 2 inhouse genetics cookies & cream x dosidos
View attachment 3901649 What do y'all think I should do next right now I just popped 2 meatbreath 2 peanut butter breath and 2 Sophie's breath from thugpug genetics I'll pop like 4 to 6 more next month or so what should it be right now I mainly run super glue og from king klones and am currently testin a few DNA tangie phenos a few phenos of the sweeties from archive 1 blimburn og and 2 inhouse genetics cookies & cream x dosidos
ThugsBreath and whatever you got from Pacific N.W. Roots
View attachment 3901649 What do y'all think I should do next right now I just popped 2 meatbreath 2 peanut butter breath and 2 Sophie's breath from thugpug genetics I'll pop like 4 to 6 more next month or so what should it be right now I mainly run super glue og from king klones and am currently testin a few DNA tangie phenos a few phenos of the sweeties from archive 1 blimburn og and 2 inhouse genetics cookies & cream x dosidos

If you have the space pop them all. Waste less time and if you find you have males from the other two, you won't be a month down.

You have almost 30 packs in that shot, So I would be doing at least 15 (2-3 seeds). That can all fit in a small 3x3 tent in Solo Cups.. How many are you able to start?

I would grow out the Archive all of those in that picture. You have alot of cookie crosses already
If you have the space pop them all. Waste less time and if you find you have males from the other two, you won't be a month down.

You have almost 30 packs in that shot, So I would be doing at least 15 (2-3 seeds). That can all fit in a small 3x3 tent in Solo Cups.. How many are you able to start?

I would grow out the Archive all of those in that picture. You have alot of cookie crosses already
I wish that would just be to much to keep up with I'm gonna do 6 every month or so until I have another op and im doing a lot of cookie crosses cuz I have the super glue og and that's straight fuel one of my peeps back east is on the hunt for the haze and I feel like I gotta lock down a solid cookie this year update got pbj meat madness cherry hills white montage and squash coming new thug lug gear drop pre order organix420_mike on ig great dude I think I'm gonna do 2 pbj 2 lemon heads and 2 black mambas next idk but keep the suggestions comin plz
Aloes look mighty fine. Always wanted nasturtium (reptiles dig em), and ramping up on chillies meself.
Just noticed one of my aloe are now called clusterfunk, ohhh I'd kill for some (chemmy)clusterfunk now, lmfao. Some humans like the nasturtium too, the flowers add a real peppery kick to a salad and look stunning on the plate. These are seed I collected from plants over a year ago now, so not sure if they're viable yet. They're slow to germinate at the best of times, whereas some of the marigolds were straight out of the soil within 2 days.
The first page of Ed Rosenthal's 1980's instryction book on Indoor Marijuana Cultivation began with a paragraph that said essentially - 'Marijuana is illegal to grow and posess in every state in the United States. Should you choose to grow, exercise this rule without exception - show no one your grow. Period. Friends, wives, and girlfriends often become ex-wives, friends, and girlfriends, with axes to grind.'

Still the best advice to this day. If they never see it, they can't testify as a witness.
Honestly the best advice in the whole book. I live by the good neighbor rule. If you're a good clean quite neighbors you can get away with murder and your neighbors will all say "he was a good clean quite guy I can't believe he'd do it."

John Wayne Gacy for example. lol
Just popped some simple strains from well known breeders. trying to buy some of these exotic genetics from some of these companies. god damn 10 regular seeds is like 200$

I have a Speed Seeds NYC Diesel autoflower going

Vegging next to the autoflower is Barneys Farm Ayahuasca Purple.

the Ayahuasca purple. popped through the soil while I was at work.
