What BBQ grill to buy?!

Fuck that! I've got like 3 chimney's. Lighter fluid has never been used in any of my grills/smokers. But you are right, when I go to my family's get togethers, it's bud light and lighter fluid.
We used to live on a park that was popular on weekends with hundreds of Mexicans playing some game similar to volleyball but with a 12' high net. The shit was insane. Every damn family had one guy who would insist on pouring cups of starter into already lit fires. The smell was awful.
Fuck that! I've got like 3 chimney's. Lighter fluid has never been used in any of my grills/smokers. But you are right, when I go to my family's get togethers, it's bud light and lighter fluid.

Some of my most fondest memories of my pop's go all the way back to when I was a youngster . We were going to cook out which we did most spring and summer weekends. Usually it was our family and a couple of my aunt's & uncles and their kids. For some reason they all thought the old man was a grill master and he always cooked . He didn't use lighter fluid he used gas to start the charcoal and when it was time to start the grill he'd already had a few cocktails and it was quite entertaining to watch him try and light a match and then a paper towel and throw it into the grill from 5' . I remember one occasion when the old grill he was using he'd poured to much gas on the charcoal and when it lit there was a small explosion and the bottom of the grill was blown out. He went into the kitchen got one of the racks out of the stove gathered some cinder blocks and finished cooking the steaks on his improvised grill. Having seen him do that so many times I thought it was normal...in a pinch I'll use lighter fluid but I do have a chimney that I use....before the ole man died he came down to the house to eat and I was cooking ribs on the smoker and he thought they were the best thing he'd ever tasted and he asked me where I learned to cook on the grill like that and I told him that he had taught me by watching him all those years.....but the only difference was I managed to keep the hair on my arms and eyebrows from being singed off !
You guys got me all worked up with your meat grilling tales. But it snowed here all day so I have to settle for braising something. This could be the last braise of the season. Time to start buying steaks.
I'm scouting around for a grill myself. Remodeling my late Mom's house for my daughter, ran a new gas line to an outbuilding, and we made an accessable gas line for a grill...all I need is a grill (and conversion package, so I'm told). Been a long fucking winter, cookout season is finally in sight :grin:
I was looking at that green egg. 1,000 dollars. I just can't get over how simple it looks

It is a simple set up for sure but very versatile, and well built. I cook on that bad boy year round, and you can pretty much cook anything on it. The other great thing is they are bad ass on the warranty. I had mine outside in the elements in coastal Alaska, had some issued arise, and they replaced everything fast. I just moved to TX and want to replace the grate in the bottom and the hinge, stopped by the local dealer and its on the way. 1k is a ton for a grill but not too bad for a one time investment.

Whatever gets cooked rides along with a couple chunks of smoker wood.

NO charcoal lighter, or chimney required. Just dump in your lump charcoal, rake it into to pile in the center, a squirt of 90% iso which no self respecting stoner should ever be without, and you are good to go. No stink, no nasty lighter stink in the grill.

By far the best grill I have ever owned, better than my Webber, or my high dollar stainless gas pos from lowes, which rotted out.
It is a simple set up for sure but very versatile, and well built. I cook on that bad boy year round, and you can pretty much cook anything on it. The other great thing is they are bad ass on the warranty. I had mine outside in the elements in coastal Alaska, had some issued arise, and they replaced everything fast. I just moved to TX and want to replace the grate in the bottom and the hinge, stopped by the local dealer and its on the way. 1k is a ton for a grill but not too bad for a one time investment.

Whatever gets cooked rides along with a couple chunks of smoker wood.

NO charcoal lighter, or chimney required. Just dump in your lump charcoal, rake it into to pile in the center, a squirt of 90% iso which no self respecting stoner should ever be without, and you are good to go. No stink, no nasty lighter stink in the grill.

By far the best grill I have ever owned, better than my Webber, or my high dollar stainless gas pos from lowes, which rotted out.
I just dont like having to pile up the charcoal. I like the ones with a basket that you just fil with charcoal
I am not sure if you have looked into the bottom , but it basically is just that, only not removable. The bottom part, I think its called the fire box or something is smaller diameter than the top, and raised off the bottom on a steel grate so when you pour in your charcoal it is a few inches deep depending on how much you load it, you can just light it that way then stir the coals once or twice as they get going.
Not like stacking briquettes into a pyramid or any of that business, just about 5 seconds with the egg tool then let her rip.
It is a heavy sumbyatch tho!
I am not sure if you have looked into the bottom , but it basically is just that, only not removable. The bottom part, I think its called the fire box or something is smaller diameter than the top, and raised off the bottom on a steel grate so when you pour in your charcoal it is a few inches deep depending on how much you load it, you can just light it that way then stir the coals once or twice as they get going.
Not like stacking briquettes into a pyramid or any of that business, just about 5 seconds with the egg tool then let her rip.
It is a heavy sumbyatch tho!
yeah I hate stacking them up in a pile
Well we don't want you to get your hands dirty princess. :bigjoint:
yeah I hate stacking them up in a pile
That's for when you use lighter fluid. If you use a chimney, you can put the coals however, just spread them out. Then dump lit coals from the chimney and boom! Now you can go around putting your wiener in people's butts till the fire is ready... Or at least that's what I do.
I don't have a grill either. I do have this left over from when I took out the fireplace insert and installed a wood stove. Is this enough brick you think? A simple small smoker grill with a short chimney is what I'm thinking.


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I don't have a grill either. I do have this left over from when I took out the fireplace insert and installed a wood stove. Is this enough brick you think? A simple small smoker grill with a short chimney is what I'm thinking.
I think you have enough. If you get a grate and a lid or door, then you're in business. I would use the holes in one of the bricks at the bottom as vents and maybe use another brick to slide in front to act as a damper. im not sure if you have enough to make an offset fire box, but im sure you can make a decent smoker out of what you have there.